- Every jack has his Jill, if only they can find each other. 有情人终成为眷属,哪怕西葫芦配南瓜。
- Every jack shall have his jill . 人人有配偶。
- Every Jack has his Jill / Gill. 人各有偶。
- Every Jack has his Jill. 人各有偶。
- English: Every Jack must [shall] have his Jill [Gill]. 中文:破锅不愁无烂盖,男人自有女人爱。
- Every Jack has his Jill 人各有偶
- Every jack shall have his jill. 人人有配偶。
- Every Jack must have his Jill. 每一个男人都必有一个女人为偶。
- Every Jack has his Jill/ Gill. 人各有偶。
- Every Jack has his Gill. 破锅不愁无烂盖,男人自有女人爱。
- This Jack has his reasons, and those reasons reek of evil and rot. 这位杰克自有他的理由,而且这些理由因为邪恶而散发出腐坏的气息。
- Knowing that Alexis Drazen was going to make a payoff to the intercepted caller, Jack has his CTU agents search the room for money. 既然知道亚历克西斯.;德拉赞将会与那名打电话来的人作个交易,杰克叫手下的反恐组特工搜索亚历克西斯的房间,寻找现金。
- Every one must have his share of the ups and downs. 每个人都有得意时和失意时。
- Jack has learnt a lesson, and will make good. 杰克已经吸取了教训,会改过自新的。
- Jack hasn't stirred out all morning. 杰克一上午都没出门。
- Jack has been trying hard to hold on to his temper. 杰克一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。
- Every Jack shall have his Gill. (谚语)人必有偶。
- Jack has fallen out of favor with his family. 被他的家人所嫌弃。
- Jack have the hardihood to deny what he have do. 杰克厚颜地否认了自己所干的事。
- Everybody has his likes and dislikes. 每个人都有自己的好恶。