- Evergreen broadleaf plants 常绿阔叶树种
- Abstract Ammopiptanthus mongolicus is the only evergreen broadleaf species in sand areas of China and is one of the major protected plants in China. 摘要 沙冬青是我国荒漠地区目前残存的唯一常绿阔叶珍稀濒危树种,属国家级重点保护植物。
- The niche proportional similarity and the niche overlap index reflect the niche characteristics of the evergreen broadleaf trees in subtropical forest. 结果表明:组成米槠林群落的优势种群绝大多数为广生态位,种群之间关系复杂,对资源具有一定的共享性。
- They are typical mountain humid evergreen broadleaf forests in the subtropical region of Yunnan. 这类植被从自然保护研究和生产实践上具有重要的价值。
- The strategy of protection and development of evergreen broadleaf tree is put forward, based on its ecological effects on four streams and one river in Zhangzhou. 笔者就常绿阔叶林对福建漳州四溪一江生态效应,提出保护与发展的策略。
- Evergreen broadleaf tree is the principal part of forestry reserves and the most important component of forestry ecosystem. 常绿阔叶林是南方森林资源的主体,是森林生态系统中重要的组成部分,可改善人类生态环境。
- The whole body is drawn with the blue flower, rolling up grass , Ruyi, the branch lotus and the broadleaf plant leaf. 通体以青花绘制卷草、如意云头、缠枝莲和蕉叶纹,青花发色浓艳,纹饰绘画流畅,笔法飘逸。
- The results show that the aboveground biomass of evergreen broadleaf young forest, secondary shrub thicket and shrub-grassland were respectively 61.74, 16.83 and 5.28 t/ha. 结果表明:黟县常绿阔叶幼林、次生灌丛和灌草丛的地上部分为81.;74、16
- Broadleaf plants shed their leaves each year in preparation for winter, but variable temperatures and moisture determine how spectacular each annual show will be. 每年阔叶树植物落叶它们的树叶为冬季做准备,但易变的温度和湿度决定每年将如何显示壮观的景观。
- Broadleaf plant city is current economic instability, shang Moming shows advantage industry and dominant industry, breed industrial group to take very long way even. 蕉城目前经济基础薄弱,尚无明显优势产业和主导产业,培育产业集群还要走很长的路。
- In Hainan, banana happy event reaps a bumper harvest, face accumulation to become banana cannot move like hill, laborious broadleaf plant farming people shed sad hot tear. 在海南,香蕉喜获丰收,面对堆积成小山似的香蕉无法出手,勤劳的蕉农们流下了伤心的热泪。
- Overall, soil NO3-- N concentrations were significantly higher in monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest than in mixed or pine forests, but the difference was not significant between mixed and pine forests. 整体而言,阔叶林土壤硝态氮极显著高于马尾松林和混交林,而马尾松林和混交林之间的差异则不显著。
- Overall, soil NO3--N concentrations were significantly higher in monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest than in mixed or pine forests, but the difference was not significant between mixed and pine forests. 整体而言,阔叶林土壤硝态氮极显著高于马尾松林和混交林,而马尾松林和混交林之间的差异则不显著。
- The main conclusions are as follow:1. The populations of C. ramondioides are distributed in valley of mountain shady slope, and they are usually found on granite rock at the headstream under evergreen broadleaf forest. 苦苣苔种群分布于阴坡山谷中,通常出现在溪流源头的常绿阔叶杂木林下的花岗岩石壁上。
- Dynamics of soil NO3--N and its response to N additions in the major forests (pine, mixed and monsoon evergreen broadleaf forests) of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve were studied by using ion-exchange resin bags method. 用离子交换树脂袋法,研究了鼎湖山三种森林(马尾松林、马尾松针叶阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林)土壤硝态氮对外加氮的响应特征。
- The responses in mixed forest were not obvious.In monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest,the negative effects were significant (P<0.05) under medium N deposition,but not under low N deposition. 氮沉降增加对混交林则没有表现出明显的作用.;不同氮沉降增加水平所产生的效应也不完全相同
- The evergreen broadleaf woody plants in Qinling Botanical Garden 秦岭植物园野生常绿阔叶木本植物
- natural evergreen broadleaf forest 天然常绿阔叶林
- monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest 季风常绿阔叶林
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。