- European sweet cherry 欧洲甜樱桃
- Synopsis of two sweet cherry varieties native to U.S. 美国的两个甜樱桃品种。
- A wild sweet cherry(Prunus avium)often used as grafting stock. 欧洲甜樱桃,洋樱桃一种野生甜樱桃(欧洲甜樱桃李属),常用作嫁接树木
- A wild sweet cherry(Prunus avium) often used as grafting stock. 欧洲甜樱桃,洋樱桃一种野生甜樱桃(欧洲甜樱桃李属),常用作嫁接树木
- Zinc deficiency is more difficult to correct on sweet cherry than apple. 甜樱桃缺锌比苹果缺锌更难纠正。
- The palate is well balanced with sweet cherry flavours,firm tannins and a good length of flavour. 口感非常均衡既有樱桃的甜味,又有出色的单宁,香味持久,回味悠长。
- The activity of POD enzyme in sweet cherry leaves had significately negative correlation with vigorous growth trend of rootstocks. 甜樱桃砧木叶片中POD酶活性和砧木的生长势呈显著负相关。
- Northwest Michigan Horticulture Research Station - A horticultural facility focusing on fruit production, specializing in tart and sweet cherry. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The frost injury phenomenon of alabastrum, flower and young fruit of sweet cherry were not appeared in solar greenhouse. 日光温室甜樱桃没有出现花蕾、花朵并有幼果的冻害现象。
- Inoculative experiments showed that ten strains of sweet cherry rootstock were all infected, but the time of being infected was different. 接种试验证实发病时间早晚不同,但所有砧木均可感病。
- Shoot regenerated from leaves of sweet cherry variety Dilemma in vitro on the media WPM or NN69 supplemented with cytokinin BA and auxin IAA,NAA or IBA. 在基本培养基NN69或WPM上附加BA和低浓度的NAA ,IAA ,IBA作培养基 ,诱导甜樱桃品种吉列玛试管苗的叶片产生了不定梢。
- And lastly, Portugal's Prats &Symington Post Scriptum 2005 has aromas of sweet cherry, blueberry jam &raisin, a ripe and structured wine that has a lot of time ahead of it. 最后葡萄牙的Prats&SymingtonPostScriptum2005带有甜甜的车厘子、蓝梅果酱和葡萄乾的香味,一瓶充满熟果架构结实的葡萄酒,具有陈年的潜质。
- All sweet cherries on the market are grown this way. 市场上所有的甜樱桃都是通过这种方式长出来的。
- Some common fruit trees such as sweet cherries have to be grafted. 一些普通的果树例如甜樱桃必须要嫁接。
- ELISA and RT-PCR were used for virus detection from natural-infection of Rosaceae plants. The infection rate of PNRSV on sweet cherry was 45% when tested with ELISA, the infection rate of ACLSV was 30% by RT-PCR. ELSIA和RT-PCR检测表明,在我国甜樱桃上PNRSV的感染率很高,ELISA检测阳性率为45%25;
- We genotyped some main Chinese sweet cherry cultivars for the first time using the alleles specific PCR, and two new S genotype (S1S6, S4S9) were found, which made the listing of S-allele assignment more completed. 对57个国内外的甜樱桃品种进行了自交不亲和(SI)基因型的鉴定,首次鉴定了我国主栽的一些甜樱桃品种的S基因型,并发现了两个新的S基因型S1S6、S4S9,将自交不亲和的组群扩展到21个。
- The content of inorganic nitrogen and the NH4+ /NO3- ratio greatly affected multiplication and subculture of sweet cherry in vitro. Low NH4+ /NO3- ratio was beneficial to producing tube plants with normal shape leaves. 培养基中无机氮含量和NH4+/NO3-比例对于甜樱桃试管苗增殖继代具有重要影响,降低NH4+/NO3-比例有利于产生叶片形态正常的试管苗植株。
- The variation regularity and correlation of the content of mineral nutrient elements(Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn,Ca,Mg and K) in leaf,flowers and fruits of sweet cherry cultivated in solar green-house were studied. 以6年生甜樱桃品种‘红灯’为试材,对设施栽培樱桃叶、花、果实中矿质营养元素(Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn,Ca,Mg,K)的含量、生长期动态变化规律及其相关性进行了研究。
- The virus-free rate of PNRSV is 93.3% less than 0.5mm shoot tip, it was proved that PNRSV could be eliminated effectively from sweet cherry plantlets in vitro by culture of shoot tip less than 0.5mm. 5mm 以下茎尖培养对PNRSV 的脱毒率达93.;3%25;证明甜樱桃试管苗0