- EN (European Norm) - Designation given to products that meet CEN standards. 给予达到CEN标准的产品的称号。
- All the detection limits for organophosphours pesticides are lower than the MRL values of European Norm. 有机磷农药检出限小于欧盟对茶叶的MRL值。
- Programmatic musical thought still held sway, but the artistic methods were based on the traditional European norms of classical, romantic and folk music. 标题性音乐思维仍然占据主导地位,技法上以欧洲古典派、浪漫派和民族乐派的传统规范为基础,
- The EU could not begin key talks on aligning Turkey's justice system with European norms until this “infamous article 301” had been repealed, Mr Rehn said. Rehn说欧盟不会进行就使土耳其的司法体制与欧洲的准则一致的关键的谈判,除非这条“臭名昭著的301条款”被删除。
- There are many clans in European countries. 欧洲国家有很多党派。
- Criminal behaviour seem to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
- Chinese cuisine is very different from European. 中国烹饪与欧洲烹饪有很大区别。
- The tour took in six European capitals. 那次观光包括欧洲六个国家的首都。
- Criminal behaviour seems to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
- France knocked Belgium out (of the European Cup). 法国队将比利时队淘汰(出欧洲杯足球赛)了。
- She is the only European in the class. 她是班上唯一的欧洲人。
- The ship was in European waters. 船在欧洲水域航行。
- European History is not my province. 欧洲历史不是我的专业范围。
- Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society. 偏离,脱离不正常的或脱离社会常轨的
- He versed himself in European literature. 他精通欧洲文学。
- A sleeping car on a European railroad train. 铁路卧车欧洲铁路上的可以睡眠的车
- It has become the norm for wives to work. 妻子参加工作已经成为一种准则。
- European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions. 欧洲列强不再统治大块海外领土了。
- Napoleon Bonaparte shed much blood in his European wars. 拿破伦·波拿巴在他的欧洲战争中使人民血流成河。
- The Japanese have taken over many European ways of life. 日本人已袭用了不少欧洲人的生活方式。