- European Space Laboratory 欧洲空间实验室
- The scientists are still at issue about the plan for building the space laboratory. 关于这项建造太空实验室的计划,科学家们的意见还不一致。
- The UK and China have agreed to create a unique joint Space Laboratory. 中英两国达成协议联手建立一个空间实验室。
- Understandably, the European Space Agency is twitchy about its investment. 想当然的,欧洲太空总署对这项投资焦躁不安。
- Once this capability has been demonstrated, China could proceed to docking the Shenzhou with a small space laboratory. 一旦结合技术试验成功,中国接下来可能将神舟号与小型太空实验室接合。
- To learn more, NASA and the European Space Agency are planning a number of visits to comets over the next decade. 为了了解到更多的信息,美国国家航空航天局和欧洲航天机构正计划在今后几十年去慧星访问。
- Japan has an increasingly ambitious space programme and last month began to set up its first space laboratory, which was blasted off on the US space shuttle Endeavour. 日本在太空探索方面的“野心”越来越大,日本已于上月开始在国际空间站建立其首个太空实验室,该实验室是由美国“奋进号”航天飞机送入太空的。
- To learn more,NASA and the European Space Agency are planning a number of visits to comets over the next decade. 为了了解到更多的信息,美国国家航空航天局和欧洲航天机构正计划在今后几十年去慧星访问。
- European Space Agency (ESA): Western European space and space-technology research organization headquartered in Paris. 欧洲太空局:西欧的太空和太空技术研究组织,总部设在巴黎。
- Host the United States and the European Space finishing and finishing details, welcome to participate. 美国主机和欧洲空间详细资料整理和整理;欢迎大家参与进来.
- Walk, to a certain extent, we walk this is to the future space station, space laboratory after the docking failure, one can exits in the docking outside its success to this. 行走了,有一定的目的,我们这次行走主要是为了将来空间站、空间实验室对接以后出现故障,人可以出舱,在外边把它对接成功,是为了这个。
- Technicians man the control room at the European Space Agency's control center in Darmstadt, Germany. 技术人员在位于德国达姆施塔特的欧洲空间局控制中心控制室操作。
- "Venus Express" of European Space Agency-ESA began its exploration trip on November 11th, 2005. 欧洲航天局ESA的"金星快车"于2005年11月11日开始其探测之旅。
- An artist's picture of the solar system, released by the European Space Agency. Ceres, Pluto and Eris are not shown . 欧洲太空局所公布的一张太阳系绘图。谷神星、冥王星和阋神星这三个矮行星则不在图上。
- In Darmstadt, Germany, controllers at the European Space Agency erupted into applause when the collision occurred. 这项史无前例的“炮轰”彗星计划始于1999年11月1日,美宇航局于2005年1月12日成功发射“深度撞击”号探测器。
- NASA have told its sister organization, the European Space Agency (ESA), that the young whizz kid had got it right. 美国宇航局得知这一消息后,告知“兄弟”机构欧洲航天局这个“小神童”的计算结果是正确的。
- Astronomers used NASA's Chandra and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton X-ray observatories to capture the event. 天文学家们利用美国国家航空航天局的钱德拉X射线天文台和欧洲航天局的XXM牛顿X射线天文台捕捉到了这一现象。
- It was spotted by a team led by Giovanna Tinetti of the European Space Agency (ESA) and University College London. 有人发现所领导的设计小组凡Tinetti欧洲航天局( ESA )和伦敦大学学院。
- The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. 卡西尼惠更斯是美国空间宇航局,欧洲航天局和意大利太空总署联合执行的国际合作计划。
- Two days of tense negotiations over Europe's spending on space have ended happily for the European Space Agency (ESA). 经过二天紧张的谈判最终愉快的确定了欧洲太空中心(ESA)在空间上的花费。