- European Security Study 欧洲安全研究
- In consequence, the whole European security order may be unstable. 结果,整个欧洲的安全秩序可能会受到动摇。
- European security model is gaining influence in the post-Cold War period, with its emphasis on effective multilateralism in safeguarding security. 摘要欧盟安全模式在冷战后日益突出,其特点在于通过有效的多边主义来维护安全。
- Russia proposed the establishment of a new system of European security initiatives can be traced back to Mayer took office. 俄罗斯提议建立欧洲安全新体系的倡议可以追溯到梅氏上任伊始。
- Then more secure study on how tokeep the private key safe today. 如何保障签名私钥的安全也就成为了安全研究的一个重点。
- Presidents of 3 Baltic Sea countries issued a joint statement on August 31st, pointing out that Russia's withdrawal of troops from the 3 Baltic Sea countries would "strengthen European security". 波罗的海3国总统8月31日发表联合声明指出,俄从波罗的海3国撤军将“巩固欧洲的安全”。
- The Americans were taken aback when Mr Sarkozy declared that their planned anti-missile shield, to be deployed in the Czech Republic and Poland, would “bring nothing to European security”. 虽然他和俄总统的关注还比较友好但双方却在走向生疏。当于法宣布将在捷克和波兰布置反导系统,也令美国也吃惊不小。
- Abstract The Copenhagen School is a school of critical security study that offers a new system of security theory in response to the expanding scope of security issues since 1980s. 哥本哈根学派是批判的安全研究中的一个分支,它针对80年代以来安全议程的扩大提供了一套较为系统完整的新的安全理论。
- The domestic research of European security mainlyconcentrates on concrete problems, for example, NATO's Eastern Enlargement, CFSP,US-European relations, Russian influence to European security. 国内对于欧洲安全的研究主要集中在对于涉及欧洲安全的具体问题的研究上,诸如,对于北约东扩、欧盟共同外交与安全政策、美欧关系、俄罗斯因素对欧洲安全的影响等。
- European securities regulators have already misguidedly tried to limit off-exchange marketmaking by banks. 欧洲证券监督机构已采取了错误的做法,设法限制银行进行的场外造市活动。
- The development of the Eurobond market has had a great impact not only on European securities markets, but also on other financial markets. 欧洲债券市场不仅对欧洲证券市场,而且对其他金融市场都有着重大的影响。
- But U.S. Army War College National Security Studies Professor Larry Goodson disagrees that American pressure forced Pakistan's hand. 但是,美国陆军战争学院国家安全研究教授古德森不同意这种观点,他说,美国并没能迫使巴基斯坦采取行动。
- Study on Anthropology and Politics of European Security Defense Policy 欧洲安全防务政策的人类学与政治学分析
- An analyst with South Africa's Institute for Security Studies, Judy Smith-Hohn, says as a result the campaign was short though heated. 这次选举是8月下旬总统姆瓦纳瓦萨中风去世之后举行的。
- National Security Study Memorandum 国家安全研究备忘录
- National Security Study Directive 国家安全研究指示
- Common European Security and Defense Policy; 欧洲共同安全和防卫政策;
- Political analyst Wafula Okumu, of the Institute for Security Studies in South Africa, says there are hardliners in the Kibaki government, who may view the West as an obstacle. 南非安全研究所的政治分析家奥库穆说,齐贝吉政府里有一些强硬派,他们可能把西方国家看成绊脚石。
- European Security Situation and Regime 欧洲的安全形势与机制
- System-level Analysis of European Security Model 欧盟安全模式的体系层次分析