- HSGT is already a reality in Europe and Japan. 高速地面运输在欧洲和日本都已实现。
- This situation already exists in Europe and Japan. 这种情况在欧洲和日本已经存在。
- Such policies had worked brilliantly in postwar Europe and Japan. 这种政策在战后的欧洲和日本成效卓著。
- Europe and Japan, by the uniqueness of Qizhou clothing. 欧洲日本等地由与起绉服装的独特性。
- The secondment to the United States, then in Western Europe and Japan. 劳务派遣最早产生于美国,随后在西欧和日本出现。
- He shipped as a sailor in a French vessel plying between Europe and Japan. 他在一艘往返于欧洲与日本的法国船上当水手。
- Wage inequality in Europe and Japan has also increased, but not by as much. 工资不平等在欧洲和日本也有所上升,但并没有美国这么显著。
- In January, strong clod wave and snowstorm raided most of Europe and Japan. 1月,强寒潮和暴风雪袭击欧洲大部地区和日本。
- That way, they warn, lies the relatively high unemployment and sluggish growth of Europe and Japan. 他们警告:那样的话,就会出现欧洲和日本式的相对较高的失业率和经济增长不景气。
- That way,they warn,lies the relatively high unemployment and sluggish growth of Europe and Japan. 他们警告:那样的话,就会出现欧洲和日本式的相对较高的失业率和经济增长不景气。
- His disciples passed his Chan, or Zen, teaching to Korea and Japan, and now it has spread to Europe and America, too. 他的弟子们把禅学传到了韩国和日本,现在还传到了欧洲和美洲。
- We could not now jeoparize relations with Europe and Japan, tempt an oil embargo. 现在不能再损害我们同欧洲和日本的关系了,不能去触发一场石油禁运。
- There were signs of increased economic activity in Europe and Japan following a slowed expansion in the second quarter. 季减慢后,有迹象显示经济活动有所增加。
- SPARC also collaborates with affiliated national organizations operating in Europe and Japan. SPARC也与在欧洲和日本开展业务的各国附属组织进行合作。
- We could not now jeopardize relations with Europe and Japan, tempt an oil embargo. 现在不能再损害我们同欧洲和日本的关系了,不能去触发一场石油禁运。
- China would "need time" to catch up with the US, Europe and Japan in the use of clean energy technology, he said. 他表示,在清洁能源技术的使用上,中国“需要一定的时间”来赶上美国、欧洲和日本。
- Economic recovery in Europe and Japan was gathering momentum and economic activity in Mainland China remained strong. 欧洲及日本经济复苏加快,内地经济增长亦维持强劲。
- The main markets are North America, Europe and Japan, in which multinational companies are based. 主要市场是跨国公司所在的北美洲、欧洲和日本。
- The follow-through in 2006 will be doubly difficult given the size of the U.S. trade deficit and the abysmal demographics that rule Europe and Japan. 鉴于美国贸易赤字的规模以及统控着欧洲和日本的糟糕透顶的人口统计数据,2006年的后续工作将会加倍困难。
- Europe and Japan,embroiled in the deepest post-war recession, are barely worth consideration as rivals. 被卷入最深的战前危机欧洲和日本,勉强有价值被称为竞争对手。