- Euphrasia hirtellan. 长腺小米草
- Any of several plants of the genus Euphrasia, having small, opposite, toothed leaves and white and purplish flowers grouped in spikes. 小米草一种小米属植物,带小的对生的,齿状叶子和白色并且略显紫色的穗状花序
- A few are semiparasitic on the roots of angiosperms, especially grasses, such as eyebright (Euphrasia) and lousewort (Pedicularis). 玄参科内少数种类半寄生于被子植物的根部,特别是在禾本科植物上,如小米草(Euphrasia)和马先蒿(马先蒿属)。
- The genus Euphrasia is a group of herbs with zygomorphic flowers, which members are widely distributed in the temperate areas and tropical or sub-tropical mountains. 碎雪草属是一群具有花部两侧对称形态的草本植物,其成员广泛分布于温带地区,以及热带或亚热带的高山地带。
- Euphrasia L. [医] 小米草属(玄参科)
- any of several plants of the genus Euphrasia,having small,opposite,toothed leaves and white and purplish flowers grouped in spikes 小米草,一种小米属植物,带小的对生的,齿状叶子和白色并且略显紫色的穗状花序
- Berchemia hirtellan. 大果勾儿茶
- Carex hirtellan. 硬毛薹草
- Sect. Hirtellan. 糙枝金丝桃组
- Ser. Hirtellan. 硬毛楼梯草系
- Pedicularis hirtellan. 粗毛马先蒿
- Phymatopteris hirtellan. 昆明假瘤蕨
- Euphrasia exilisn. 一齿小米草
- Euphrasian. 小米草属
- Rabdosia hirtellan. 细毛香茶菜
- Carnpylotropis hirtella 毛杭子梢
- Euphrasia amurensisn. 东北小米草
- Euphrasia bilineatan. 两列毛小米草
- Euphrasia durietzianan. 多腺小米草
- Euphrasia filicaulisn. 高砂小米草