- Eulalia yunnanensisn. 云南金茅
- Gaultheria yunnanensis(Franch.)Rehd. 滇白珠
- Cystobranchus yunnanensis sp. nov.n. 云南囊蛭(新种)
- Hotel Rustico Santa Eulalia : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- Roscoea sinopurpurea Stapf;Roscoea yunnanensis Loes. 其它俗名 Roscoea purpurea Smith;
- A new species of Chinese medicinal plant -- Uncaria yunnanensis. 中国药用植物的一新种 -- 云南钩藤.
- Objective: To analyze constituents of volatile oil from Gaultheria yunnanensis. 摘要目的:分析中药透骨香挥发油成分。
- Objective: To select high taxol content cell lines of Taxus yunnanensis . 目的:选择云南红豆杉高紫杉醇含量细胞系。
- Objective:To study the chemical constituents of Heterosmilax yunnanensis. 目的:对短柱肖菝葜的化学成分进行研究。
- Even though Dacian was at first amused and tried to flatter her, Eulalia would not deny Christ. 最后,长官下令将她的身体用铁钩子撕扯开,并在伤口处点上火以加剧她的痛苦,在这过程中她的头发着了火。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Santa Eulalia del Rio - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Santa Eulalia del Rio 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Eulalia Rolinska of Poland, Gladys de Seminario of Peru and Nuria Ortiz of Mexico were the first women to compete in shooting. 波兰的罗林斯卡、秘鲁的塞米纳隆和墨西哥的奥尔蒂斯成为了参加射击项目的第一批女子选手。
- Leaving the airport take the road to San Jordi, pass through the town, leave the city of Ibiza on your right and go ahead towards Santa Eulalia. 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。
- A particularly vigorous form from Yunnan, N Myanmar, and N Thailand has been separated as Eulalia birmanica.This has long, straight rachis internodes subequaling the spikelet. 上发生来自云南的特别有力的形式,这近相等有长,直的轴节间小穗。
- Advances in studies on Gaultheria leucocarpa var. Yunnanensis and medicinal plants of Gaultheria L. 滇白珠及其同属药用植物研究进展。
- To determinate of methyl methyl salicylatein Gaultheria yunnanensis(Franch)Rehdby GC. 采用气相色谱法测定透骨香中水杨酸申酯的含量。
- Don) Makino, Pieione hulbocodioides (Franch.) Rolfe or Pieione yunnanensis Rolfe (Fam.Orchidaceae). Don) Makino、独蒜兰 Pleione bulbocodioides (Franch.;) Rolfe 或云南独蒜兰 Pleione yunnanensis Rolfe 的干燥假鳞茎。
- It can be concluded that biologic characters of embryos is not a reason for seed dormancy in Taxus yunnanensis. 因此推测种子休眠不是由胚的生物学特性引起的;
- Biomass and primary productivity of dominant species Aporosa yunnanensis and Blastus cochinchinensis of forest vegetation on Dinghu Mountain. 鼎湖山森林植被优势种云南银柴和柏拉木的生物量及第一性生产力研究
- Objective:To extract and analyze the volatile constituents from the dried rhizomes of Heterosmilax yunnanensis(A) and H. chinensis(B). 目的:从白土苓短柱肖菝契(A)和华肖菝契(B)的干燥块茎中提取挥发性成分,并对其进行定性、定量分析。