- Scientists win prize for high yield rice. 培育高产量稻种,科学家获奖。
- Eucalyptus for high yield 桉树
- Nitrogen is the most important for high yield of rice. 氮对水稻高产最为重要。
- HNK +C2 treatment is the best for high yield and good quality. 综合产量和品质,以HNK +C2处理效果最好。
- The Research on Cultivation of Alfalfa for High Yield and Good Quality in Minqin Desert Oasis. 民勤沙漠绿洲边缘紫花苜蓿丰产优质栽培技术探讨。
- Seedling and culture technique for high yield hazelnut hybrid Coylus heterophylla Fish and C. Avellapest L. 平欧杂交榛子育苗及丰产栽培技术。
- The key cultural technique for high yield through early seeding was to develop robust seedings. 通过早播达到高产的关键栽培技术是培育壮苗。
- Genetic Analysis of Yield and Its Components for High Yield Cultivar Simian 3 in G. Hirsutum L. 高产棉花品种泗棉3号产量及其产量构成因素的遗传分析。
- Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for high yielding cultivation of rice plant. 氮是水稻高产栽培中最重要的养分。
- Thus bee- keeping is being promoted as an important measure for higher yields. 因此,目前养蜂事业正作为重要的增产措施加以推广。
- The dry matter of peanut in flowering and fruiting stage were all increased by the application of B or/and Mo, and was necessary for high yield of peanut. 硼、钼配合施用可显著或极显著提高花生叶片的叶绿素含量和光合强度,提高植株的乾物质积累量,促使其花期提前,促进营养生长向生殖的转移,从而极显著地提高花生的产量。
- The high yield of lysozyme activity obtained at high starting concentration illustrates the workability of this method for high concentration protein refolding. 复性溶菌酶与天然溶菌酶色谱保留体积的差异揭示出折叠过程中无活性蛋白质聚集体的存在及其向复性蛋白质转化的机制;
- Concrete position of gas leaking can be detected by monitoring for high temperature and high yield gas well, which improves dynamic monitoring level for Kela 2 gas field. 对高压高产气井进行漏气监测,能够检测出漏气的具体位置,提高了克拉2气田的动态监测水平。
- In order to attain the goal of "Rice self-support",Korea rice policy has experienced the changeover from "hanker for high yield unilaterally "to "opening-safeguard". 围绕实现“大米自给"的目标,韩国稻米政策经历了片面追求增产到“开放式保护”的转变。
- The results showed that the proportion of weight and length of subterranean stem and the diameter of subterranean stem could be taken as selection characters for high yield. 通过相关分析、逐步回归和通径分析,表明地下茎单位长度重量和直径可以作为鱼腥草高产育种的主要选择性状。
- The cut the record for high jump. 她打破了跳高纪录。
- These trees gave a high yield of fruit this year. 这些果树今年获得了大丰收。
- He was beheaded for high treason. 他因叛国罪被斩首。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
- Credit spreads for high yield corporate bonds and emerging market bonds are at new highs of this cycle. 高收益公司债券和新兴市场债券的信贷利差创下这波周期的新高。