- Ethnic Kazakhs 汉族
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- Ethnic enclaves in a large city. 被围于大城市之中的少数民族
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- The Kazakhs treated us to their best cream tea. 这些哈萨克人请我们吃了他们最好的奶茶。
- Kazakh scientists are now testing the concept. 哈萨克的科学家正努力测试此概念。
- In the swan dance of Kazakh ethnic group, women's love for the swan is thoroughly demonstrated. 哈萨克族的"天鹅舞",是把妇女们对天鹅的钟爱之情,
- A neighborhood of fine homes; an ethnic neighborhood. 拥有美好家园的小区; 民族居住区
- Bahabieke, a nomad from the Kazakh ethnic group, is erecting his yurt a week earlier than last year. 光说秸秆能变废为宝,但是目前农村的实际情况是,利用秸秆的技术还都没有推广开来。在秸秆变废为宝前,它仍是无用的垃圾。
- China is a united country of many ethnic groups. 中国是一个统一的多民族国家。
- The life of ethnic minorities has improved greatly. 少数民族人民生活明显改善。
- This female teacher is from the Lopa ethnic group. 这名女教师是珞巴族人。
- A member of the principal ethnic group of Hungary. 马札尔人匈牙利一个主要的少数民族
- Dances of the Mongolian, Kazakh, Khalkhas, Oroqen, Ewenki, Manchu and Xibe ethnic groups have all maintained features of the pasture land culture. 蒙古、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、鄂伦春、鄂温克以及满、锡伯等民族的舞蹈,都不同程度地保存有草原文化的特点。
- There are 55 ethnic minorities in China. 中国有55个少数民族。
- Comparatively fast growth in ethnic population. 少数民族人口有较快增长。
- "Kuiyi" is a self-entertaining dance among Kazakh men. "葵依",是哈萨克族男子自娱性舞蹈
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- It presents the unique charm of the dance among kazakh women. 画龙点睛般地突出了哈萨克族女子舞蹈特有的风韵。
- One finds "Swan Dances" in Kazakh, Ewenki and Hezhe nationalities. 所以哈萨克、鄂温克、赫哲等民族中都有"天鹅舞"的流传。