- What is the estimated time of arrival? 估计到达时间是什么时候?
- The estimated time of burial was placed in the early Tang Dynasty. 埋藏的时间估计在唐朝早期。
- Estimated Time of Correction 预计校正时间
- The estimated time of take-off is now sixteen hundred hours. 现在预计起飞时间是十六点。
- Estimated time of arrival. 估计到达的时间
- And divers washings, and justices of the flesh laid on them until the time of correction. 因为这一切都是属于外表礼节的规程,只著重食品、饮料和各样的洗礼,立定为等待改良的时期。
- During the course of your wait, we will maintain contact with you and provide updates on the estimated time of arrival of the service provider. 在您等待的过程中,我们将与您保持联系,不断地为您提供服务提供商的估计到达时间。
- The estimated time of arrival or ETA is a measure of when a vehicle, aircraft, cargo, emergency service or computer file is expected to arrive at a certain place. 估计到达的时间是用来猜测交通工具、货物、救护队、或甚至电脑档案到达某地的时间(对电脑档案来说是估计下载完成时间)。
- Hampton Lodge requires your estimated time of arrival.Please telephone the hotel if you are going to arrive more than an hour later than your estimated time. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- So, the first thing you have to determine is your current net worth, because knowing your starting point will help you pinpoint that all important estimated time of arrival. 因此,你第一件要确定的事情就是,你的净资产是多少,这是因为知道自己的起点能够帮助你确定重要评估的时间节点。
- The evaluation indesxes are the times of correct and omissive judgements. 有效评价指标是正确判断次数和漏判次数。
- The evaluation indesxes are the times of correct and emissive judgements. 有效评价指标是正确判断次数和漏判次数。
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。
- In this respect, the phrase or its abbreviation is often paired with its complement, " estimated time of departure " or " ETD ", to indicate the expected start time of a particular journey. 在大众交通工具上特别常用,也就是照时刻表、或依据交通流量来做估计。
- Attention: UN001 mechanical problem, estimated time of departure (ETD) is delayed until 16:30. I say again, UN001 mechanical problem, estimated time of departure (ETD) is delayed until 16:30. 各单位注意:UN001因机械故障,预计起飞时间推迟到16:30。我再说一遍,UN001因机械故障,预计起飞时间推迟到16:30。
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火车开车时间你搞清楚了吗?
- These papers are in need of correction. 这些卷子需要批改。
- Vessels at berths should depart on time in accordance with planned Vessel ETD ( Estimated Time of Departure ). Vessels should not stay at berth to wait for late gate cargoes, etc. 在港船舶应按离港计划准时开船,不要停靠在码头等货或其它。
- It's so changeable at this time of year. 这段时间天气变化无常。
- I'll make sure of the time of the flight. 我要核实一下这班飞机的时间。