- Esthetical Psychnlogy 审美心理
- Usually health-conscious adults who care about their esthetical look. 通常是关注自己外表、注意健康的成年人。
- Steel box continuous curved beam with its big span, little section, esthetical sculpt, is adopted generally by municipal projects. 钢箱连续曲梁以其跨度大、面小、型美,普遍被市政工程采用。
- Only sitting room is filled with esthetical taste life can go as good as enjoyment, filled with vital force. 居室中处处充满美的感受,生活才会荡然有趣,充满生机。
- It is the historical request to apply esthetical edification in physical education. 摘要在体育中实施美育是历史的要求。
- A research outline for the categories in music esthetical area is thus presented. 最后,提出音乐美学范畴的研究纲要。
- Free flow of energy, in art as well as in other forms of "techne", directly contributes to the esthetical value. 郑板桥在题八大山人的画时说:“横涂竖抹千千幅,墨点无多泪点多。”
- The paper tries to discuss the connotation of music esthetical education in many dimensions. 本文拟采用多重视角,力图对音乐审美教育的涵义做一定层面的阐释。
- Objective To investigate the esthetical effect of the functional repair of secondary nasal deformities of cleft lip. 结论充分游离鼻翼软骨并使其复位到与对侧对称,消除了鼻畸形的病理基础,从而保证了畸形修复的远期效果。
- Therefore, the esthetical universality is just the mood of expecting being praised by others. 所以,美的普遍性只是一种期待别人赞同的心情。
- The head ornaments reflect esthetical tastes of women of different times from different perspectives. 这些首饰从不同的角度反应了不同时代的女子对于修饰、审美的情趣。
- Professional art designers have exquisite specialized skills, esthetical and creativity. 具备丰富经验的资深美术设计师,他们有着精湛的专业技术,高雅的审美品位及超前的创意。
- Kantian esthetical art only touches the essence of art, but also coordinates his theory which appears to be contradictory when he analyzed esthetics. 摘要康德关于“美的艺术”的理论不仅触及了艺术的本质因,也协调了他在对美作纯粹分析时提出的看似矛盾的理论。
- In order not to follow this misunderstanding, polyphonic writing must be regarded and practiced from the viewpoint of esthetical mental activities. 复调写作既是一种审美活动,就应当从审美心理活动的视角进行审视,这样才可以避免陷入误区。
- Neglecting the distance between esthetics, play and life and turning life into art completely will result in esthetical confusion. 忽视审美(游戏)与生活之间的距离,将生活彻底艺术化,便会陷入审美的迷津。
- Many Chinese classical poem of landscape utilized esthetical sentiment moves through expressing feelings to build "having me in the scene". 许多中国古典山水诗运用了寄情于景的审美移情,营造了“有我之境”。
- The painting art, as a high-level cultural form, is providing national born spiritual information as well as the esthetical complex. 社会的发展,自然地带来了艺术气象的更新。
- So to enrich the folk-custom culture and the national esthetical character, we have combined these 2 categories and have studied them together. 因此,为了更深入地理解民俗文化和民族审美经验的关系,需要在这二者边缘的交界之处建立一个民俗审美文化来对此进行交叉的研究。
- Conclusion Flap acid eruption procedure plays an important role in the treatment of impacted canines in the esthetical dentistry. 结论翻瓣助萌矫治阻生尖牙是一种行之有效的美容牙科技术。