- The production and operation of West China peasants aimed at profit-maximization realization is restricted by the essential productive factors they possess and the outside conditions they confront. 摘要西部农户以实现利益最大化为目标的生产经营行为要受其拥有的生产要素和面临的外部条件的制约。
- The re-recognition of essential productive factors and their effect on the formation of commodity value 对生产要素及其在商品价值形成中的作用再认识
- Essential productive factors 生产要素
- Major Reform in Distribution System--Essential Production Factors Participating into Distribution According to Respective Contributions 分配制度的重大改革--生产要素按贡献参与分配
- The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of Modern Industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product. 其余的阶级都随着大工业的发展而日趋没落和灭亡,无产阶级却是大工业本身的产物。
- A typical computerized tracking system offers a common language for businesses along the supply chain to capture essential product information and history. 典型的计算机溯源系统为整个食物供应链中的商业活动提供了一种通用的。
- Urbanization refers to the transferring process in which human activities and productive factors transfer from the rural areas to the urban areas. 摘要城市化是人类社会活动及生产要素从农村地区向城市地区转移的过程。
- The industrialization of sports is the essential product of sociometric progress when it has reached a certain stage.We should not be in haste, but go ahead steadily and surely. 摘要体育产业化是社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,不要急于求成,应当适度进行。
- Which production factors were abundant and which scarce for the United States? 对美国来说,哪些是充裕的生产要素而哪些是短缺的生产要素呢?
- Fig. 3. The relationships among market weight, price and production factors. 图3.;上市体重与市价和生产因素间的关系
- Our evaporator and condenser are essential products for achieving this superior level of quality. 我们生产高品质的冷凝器和蒸发器,为汽车空调系统顺利进行热交换提供有利保障。
- Essential products of the smoking formula after burning are mainly DDVP, CO_2 and small amount of CO, NO, NO_2, HCl, Cl_2, Dipterex and so on. 点燃后的生成物主要是敌敌畏、二氧化碳,还有少量的CO、NO、NO_2、C1、HC1和残存的敌百虫等。 由于敌敌畏的毒力比敌百虫大和其它气体、烟微粒生成物有增效作用;
- Embedding the factor of environment in H-O Model, that is to say, assuming environment to be a kind of productive factor, the generated comparative advantage will be based on various prices including environmental actual price. 在H -O模型中附加环境因素 ,亦即假定环境作为一种生产要素而起作用 ,则所形成的比较优势将建立在包含环境要素真实价格的基础之上。
- Brand has major producers: Australia "MINDER" radar license pool equipment, "Sakura" Koi aquaculture license essential products and equipment. 主要生产的品牌有:澳大利亚“MINDER”雷达牌泳池设备,“樱花”牌锦鲤养殖必备产品和设备。
- What is the fragrance used in the Artistry essentials products? 雅姿营养系列所采用的香料是什么样的?
- In socialism present stage, the objective current economic condition had decided organic synthesis between the distribution according to work and distribution according to productive factor. 在我国社会主义现阶段,客观经济条件决定了我们还必须坚持按劳分配与按生产要素分配的有机结合。
- The US Department of Commerce uses the price of each production factors of the subrogate countries to calculate the putative normal price. 美国商务部以被调查商品的各生产要素在替代国的相应价格来计算其正常价值。
- Its products are cartons, bags, Childs vehicles, Liang Yi, footwear, clothing and hardware manufacturing, and other essential production equipment industry. 其系列产品是皮箱,皮包,童车,凉椅,制鞋,服装及五金制造等行业必备的生产设备。
- The flow of productive factor is helpful to industry transfer in different areas, and the cash flow and investment are the keys to achieve the purpose and improve the efficiency of industry transfer. 摘要生产要素流动是区际产业转移的推动器,而此其中资金的流动和投资又是实现产业转移目标和提升产业转移绩效的关键。
- Economic globalization represents the continuous exaggeration of the scale and the continuous diversification of the form of articles, service, and production factors and so on. 经济全球化表现为商品、服务和生产要素等跨国界流动规模的不断扩大和形式的不断多样化。