- A freshwater game and food fish(Esox lucius) of the Northern Hemisphere that has a long snout and attains a length of over1.2 meters(4 feet). 狗鱼,北美狗鱼北半球的一种淡水猎物和食用鱼(白斑狗鱼狗鱼科),有长长的鼻子,可达1。2米多(4英尺)
- It is abundant with European river fish species which are not found in other part of China, such as pike(Esox lucius), tench (Tinca tinca), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and taimen (Hucho taimen) etc. 该河具有我国其它地区所没有的欧洲水系鱼类,如丁鱥、白斑狗鱼、河鲈、哲罗鱼等。
- Individual Fecundity of Esox lucius Linnaeus in the Ertixche River 额尔齐斯河白斑狗鱼的个体繁殖力
- Research of Esox lucius linnaeus biology in the Ulungur Lake 乌伦古湖白斑狗鱼的生物学研究
- Development of embryo and yolk-sac stage larva of white spot pike, Esox lucius 白斑狗鱼胚胎和卵黄囊期仔鱼的发育
- Preliminary study on the genetic relationship between white spot pike Esox lucius and black spot pike Esox reicherti 白斑狗鱼和黑斑狗鱼遗传关系初步研究
- The influence of stocking density and water temperature on growth in juvenile Esox lucius raised in greenhouse 养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼在设施养殖中生长的影响
- a freshwater game and food fish(Esox lucius) of the Northern Hemisphere that has a long snout and attains a length of over 1.2 meters(4 feet) 狗鱼,北美狗鱼北半球的一种淡水猎物和食用鱼(白斑狗鱼狗鱼科),有长长的鼻子,可达1.;2米多(4英尺)
- Esox lucius Linnaeus 白斑狗鱼
- Esox lucius 白斑狗鱼
- Lucius: I'll leave it to you, then. 路修斯:这里就交给你?。
- Lucius was supposed to be in charge. 卢修斯应该对此负责。
- Lucius Malfoy: And you must be Miss. 卢修斯:“你一定是格兰杰小姐。
- And then he asked for the worst,did old Lucius. 然后他就要求采取最坏的行动,卢修斯那个老家伙.
- Lucius Verus: They said you were a giant. 卢修斯:他们说你是个大力士。
- Lucius Verus: Are you the one they call the Spaniard? 卢修斯:你就是他们称作西班牙人的人?
- Lucius: Did you receive my requirements for the booth? 路修斯: 你有收到我的摊位需求吗?
- A freshwater game and food fish(Esox niger) of eastern North America. 暗色狗鱼:一种供垂钓用淡水食用鱼(暗色狗鱼),产于北美洲东部
- Lucius Verus:Are you the one they call the Spaniard? 卢修斯:你就是他们称作西班牙人的人?
- "I have given you your liberty, Lucius, is that not enough for you? “我已经把你的自由给你了,卢修斯,这难道不够么?