- I am a Clark Gable nut: I have seen all his films. 我是克拉克·盖博的影迷,我看过他演的所有影片。
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生吗?我是刘文。
- The criminal Mick Clark has/uses several aliases. 那个叫米克·克拉克的罪犯有[使用]好几个化名。
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification. 意向书正在实质性内容方面进行修改。
- The colonel said that Mr. Clark could be his aide-de camp. 上校说克拉克先生可以做他的副官。
- With the modification of his anger he could think clearly again. 他的怒气渐消,又能清晰地思考了。
- The law passed by Congress was a modification of the original bill. 国会通过的那项法律是原议案的修正稿。
- Gen. Clark: The most effective weapon is the idea. 克拉克将军:最有效的武器是观点。
- Gen. Clark: Yes. My soldiers like me. 克拉克将军:是的,我的兵喜欢我。
- How do you want me to relate to Clark Clifford? 你要我同克拉克·克利福德建立什么样的关系呢?
- To make different by alteration or modification. 使差异通过变更或修改从而产生差别
- Dryopteris fibrillosa (Clarke) Hand.Mazz. 纤毛鳞毛蕨
- To make an improvised modification. 作一次临时性的修正。
- Did you have a nice flight, Mr. Clarke? 旅途很愉快吧,克拉克先生?
- Cameron Clarke has done our cause a lot of harm. 卡梅伦·克拉克给我们的事业造成了很大的损害。
- The speaker dropped a hint of a possible modification of the proposals. 发言者暗示可能会修改建议。
- Clark's mouth was freezed with the turnbuckle. 克拉克的嘴跟螺丝扣冻住了。
- Clarke Adventure Ride: The ride of a lifetime. 克拉码头探险游:一个毕生难忘的旅程。
- Modification of texts in the Fortress HUD. 修改了堡垒界面中的文字。