- Erythematous eczema 红斑湿疹
- Anti-worms, eliminate pains, cure cold and eczema. 杀虫驱虫,止痛,治疗风寒感冒及湿疹。
- Eczema is now used for describing skin lesions where, on a basis of erythema, papules, vesicles, oedema and scaling arise. 湿疹用来指以红疹为基础而起发的丘疹、疱疹、水肿和鳞癣等皮肤病变。
- The commonnest erythema of dermatitis of sex of eczema, urticaria, contact, psoriasis, polymorphous sex waits for abnormal reactivity eyelidDermatosis. 最常见的有湿疹、荨麻疹、接触性皮炎、牛皮癣、多形性红斑等变态反应性睑皮肤病。
- The term "eczema" has had many meanings. “湿疹”这个名词有过许多意思。
- Can people with eczema use pearl powder? 皮肤有湿疹可以用珍珠粉吗?
- Got dermatitis eczema, how to do? 得了皮炎湿疹,怎么办呢?
- What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis? 什么叫红斑渗出性胃炎?
- Is there eczema or psoriasis in your family? 你家里人有得湿疹或牛皮癣吗?
- Swelling and erythema receded after a few days. 水肿和红斑也于用药很少几天后减轻了。
- He grew out of his eczema as he got older. 他长大后湿疹就好了。
- What reason is my pudenda and glans have erythema? 我的阴部和龟头有红斑是什么原因?
- The method with best what can treat eczema? 有什么最好的办法可以治疗湿疹?
- Does erythema grow on tortoise body how? 乌龟身上长红斑怎么了?
- Ankle place gave an eczema, how to do? 脚踝部位出了一块湿疹,怎么办?
- Malignant erythema prompts a bad prognosis. 恶性红斑提示预后不良。
- Eczema must be caused by allergies do? 湿疹一定是过敏才引起的吗?
- Erythema grew on two tactics ancon, how to do? 两手肘上长了红斑,怎么办?
- Effective prevention Han Zhen (Feizi) and eczema. 有效预防汗疹(痱子)湿疹。
- Next day, child's eczema convalesced unexpectedly. 次日,孩子的湿疹居然痊愈了。