- Liverpool's lead could have been extended further still when Baros again found Morientes with a cross from the right only for Erwin Lemmens to dive low to block the Spaniard's shot. 红军本来还可以扩大领先优势,小巴再次传给莫伦,但是西班牙人的射门被门将挡出。
- Erwin Lemmens 列门斯,比利时足球运动员
- May I introduce myself: Donald Erwin. 请允许我自我介绍,唐纳德?欧文。
- As the elevator rises, Erwin's spirits sink. 电梯升到二楼,欧文的心却坠到了地下室。
- WANG Jiasheng , Erwin Suess and Dirk Rickert. 2004. 葛倩、王家生、向华、甘华阳、胡高伟。
- Edited by Erwin Chargaff [and] J.D.Davidson. 书名/作者 The nucleic acids:chemistry and biology.
- Erwin Rommel, shrewdly saw the song as a means to rally his men. 他命令每天夜里都要播出《丽莉·玛伦》。
- Erwin, the father, gave me overalls, boots and a cap to put on. 牧场家庭的父亲厄尔文拿来一件工作服、靴子和帽子要我穿戴上,
- Erwin: 200 bucks for a piece of junk like that? That's a rip-off! 欧文:200块钱买了个破电视?你被人宰了吧!
- Copyright 2005 Erwin J.Haeberle.All rights reserved. 版权所有2005年欧文 J.;黑伯勒。
- Erwin Olaf: Elevating Retail Photography To Art Worth Collecting. 产品摄影,主要是Moooi那些繁华的东西。
- Copyright 2004 Erwin J.Haeberle.All rights reserved. 版权所有2004年欧文 J.;黑格乐 。
- All entries and information run through the Erwin Junker Operator Panel EJ-OP. 所有的输入和信息均通过勇克EJ-OP操作面板。
- Erwin Schrddinger have given us the other form of understanding science. 作为一名哲学造诣颇深的理论物理学家;他有关科学以及科学进步等问题的思索代表着20世纪理解科学的全新方式.
- The ERwin Model is middleware between OODM and RDM (the Relation Data Model). ? 本文主要讨论对象模型到ERwin模型的转换算法。
- Die Diktatur des Reichsprasidenten /Referate von Carl Schmitt und Erwin Jacobi. 书名/作者 Der deutsche Foderalismus /Referate von Gerhard Anschutz; Karl Bilfinger.
- Terrell, Erwin Tschirner, Brigitte Nikolai ;consultant, Elke Riebeling. 书名/作者 Kontakte :a communicative approach /Tracy D.
- Moments later the fourth goal arrived, Reiziger's good work down the wing and testing cross forced an error from Lemmens and Saviola was on hand to snaffle up an easy chance. 而几分钟之后,巴萨完成了第四个进球,雷齐格的下底传中造成了莱蒙斯的错误而兔子轻松的一蹴而就。
- Five minutes later, Motta tested Lemmens with a stinging free kick, before Ronaldinho shot from the edge of the box only to be denied by the opposition keeper. 5分钟之后,莫塔以一次直接任意球再一次考验了莱蒙斯,而之前小罗从禁区边缘的一脚射门被对方门将档出。
- On 35 minutes the magic appeared. After good work from Iniesta and Xavi, the Brazilian wizard Ronaldinho, rose highest to head home the equaliser with Lemmens beaten all ends up. 35分钟的时候,魔术师登场了。在伊涅斯塔和哈维的努力下,巴西天才小罗高高跃起头球攻入扳平一球终结了莱蒙斯的所有努力。