- Erinaceus albiventrisn. 四指猬
- The Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide has the important antioxitation function. 具有重要的抗氧化功能。
- The resules showed that Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide can improve the content of serum lysozyme to some extent. 结果表明:猴头菌丝多糖能够在一定程度上提高小鼠血清溶菌酶含量;
- Hericium erinaceus has abundant nutritions which are essential to the health of man. 猴头菇富含人体需要的多种营养成分,具有较高的医疗价值。
- Fungus, mushrooms, white fungus, Hericium erinaceus, who is also a rich Yangba industry. 木耳、香菇、银耳、猴头菌,也是阳坝人致富的产业。
- Extraction technology of polysaccharide from Hericium erinaceus was investigated. 对猴头菇多糖提取及纯化进行了研究。
- The antioxitation function of Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide which was yielded by liquid fermentation was studied. 以液体发酵生产的猴头菌丝为材料,提取猴头菌丝多糖进行抗氧化功能研究。
- To study the composition with medicinal effects of Hericium erinaceus,we mainly analyzed the adenosine in Hericium erinaceus using TLC and HPLC. 本研究通过薄层层析HPLC方法着重分析了猴头菌的腺苷成分,并对猴头菌的药物制品-胃乐宁浸膏的组成成分和矿质元素进行了测定。
- The chemical component and concentration of Hericium erinaceus fruit body and mycelial extracts were studied in this article. 比较了猴头菌子实体和固体培养菌丝体的提取物化学成分的组成和含量的差异。
- This paper studies the tissue culture of Hericium erinaceus,the medium was screened from cottonseed shell which were used as the main material. 用棉籽壳为主料配制的培养基进行猴头的组织培养,并用组织培养的菌丝体作菌种,进行栽培试验,取得了优良的结果,具有推广应用价值。
- It introduced the biological characteristics and the distribution of Erinaceus eurpaeus, and it is investigated that there exists more than 1 million of the animal. 介绍了刺猬的生物学特性和分布状况,金沙江流域的刺猬储量约有100万只;
- Results The content of sterols in ethanol extract was found to be higher than that in water extract.And one type of sterols from Hericium erinaceus hyphae was identified as ergosterol. 结果在醇提浸膏中检测到了较水提浸膏含量高的甾类物质,其中一种来自猴头菌菌丝体的甾醇类化合物,被初步鉴定为麦角甾醇。
- At the same time, have a valuable large-scale forest fungi mushrooms, mushrooms, morel, Hericium erinaceus, Boletus, Tricholoma matsutake, black fungus, the ears, 194 kinds of silver. 与此同时,拥有珍贵大型林木真菌蘑菇、香菇、羊肚菌、猴头菌、牛肝菌、松茸、黑木耳、金耳、银等194种。
- Testing the nutrition and the physical and chemical characteristic of different yogurt,it is best accession of the filtrate: the portion of Lentinus edodes is 3 and Hericium erinaceus 4. 同时检测不同比例发酵滤液添加量所制得的酸乳的营养和理化特性,选择出了最佳比例的滤液添加量,即香菇滤液添加量以3份较好,而猴头菌则以4份滤液添加量最佳。
- Amur hedgehog(Erinaceus amurensis) 远东刺猬
- West European hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus 刺猬(猬科)
- Hericium erinaceus Polysaccharide 猴头多糖
- Golden mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) 金针菇
- Study of LDH and Superoxide Dismutase of Erinaceus europaeus 刺猬乳酸脱氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶同工酶的研究
- Production process of Aloe and hydnum erinaceus wine 芦荟猴头菇酒的生产工艺