- Eria rosean. 玫瑰毛兰
- Beta vulgaris L. var. rosea Moq. 根甜菜 -俗称:紫菜头
- The root rot pathogen of Rhodiola rosea L. 红景天根腐病
- The new recorded species of Eria in the continent of China. 中国大陆的一种植物新记录.
- It is learned that pityriasis rosea is a common skin inflammation. 据悉,玫瑰糠疹只是一种常见的皮肤炎症。
- Karyotype analysis in Lycoris rosea Traub et Moldenke. 玫瑰红石蒜的染色体核型分析.
- Eria medogensis, a probably peloric form of Eria coronaria, with a discussion on peloria in Orchidaceae. 墨脱毛兰,一个可能的"异常整齐花"型,兼论兰科中"异常整齐花"现象.
- Eria, Hu is also the game's most reliable offensive team, both field goal percentage as high as 63.5 percent. 比赛中埃里亚胡也是球队的最可靠进攻点,场均命中率高达63.;5%25。
- Integrated in the European qualifying rounds, rocket rookie in 2006 Eria Hu performed pretty well. 在综合欧锦赛几轮的预选赛中,2006年火箭新秀埃里亚胡表现不俗。
- Study on the Prevention and Curation on the Root Rot Pathogen of Rhodiola rosea L. 红景天根腐病的防治研究。
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Lysimachia Paridiformis Franch. and Ecdysanthera Rosea Hook.et Arn. 重楼排草和酸叶胶藤化学成分的研究
- To study germination characteristics of Mirabilis jalapa and Althaea rosea by soaking their dormant seeds. 摘要对紫茉莉和蜀葵休眠种子浸种处理研究其发芽特性。
- Abstract: To study germination characteristics of Mirabilis jalapa and Althaea rosea by soaking their dormant seeds. 文章摘要: 对紫茉莉和蜀葵休眠种子浸种处理研究其发芽特性。
- Which in 2006 selected rookie of Israel eria, Hu has a good performance, 16 points 9 rebounds to become the team's most reliable offensive firepower. 其中2006年选中的以色列新秀埃里亚胡有上佳表现,贡献16分9个篮板成为球队进攻最可靠的火力点。
- Effect on quality of life in patients with pityriasis rosea:Is it associated with rash severity? 玫瑰糠疹患者的生活质量影响:与出疹的严重程度有关吗?
- The first team against England, the Eria Hu had 24 points and 5 rebounds to help the team win, and then some low status. 首场对阵英格兰队,埃里亚胡就砍下24分和5个篮板帮助球队取胜,而随后有些状态低落。
- Rhodiola rosea has been widely used as traditional herb medicine in China for centuries. 摘要近数百年以来,红景天已广泛用于中国的传统中草药。
- When the test results came out, in the face of "pityriasis rosea" words, Ah Wei said he had complete despair. 当检查结果出来后,面对“玫瑰糠疹”几个字,阿伟说他已彻底绝望。
- But the second half of the qualifying tournament in Eria state resumed Hu Shen yong, in the face of the Bosnian team in the game and the Czech Republic have held up quite well. 但预选赛后半段的比赛中埃里亚胡状态又恢复了神勇,在面对波斯尼亚队和捷克队的比赛中都有不俗表现。
- It recently studied the herb Rhodiola rosea, also known as roseroot, and is due to evaluate the supplement citrulline malate. 为了评估补充物的瓜氨酸苹果酸,空军最近研究了中药红景天,亦称蔷薇根景天。