- Erhualian piglets 二花脸仔猪
- He brought his piglets to the fair. 他把小猪带到集市去卖。
- The sow breeds piglets in the spring. 母猪在春天产猪崽。
- Piglets under stress eat less feed. 小猪在应激环境中吃的饲料很少。
- A butcher was slaughtering a piglet there. 一个屠夫正在那儿屠宰一只小猪。
- The piglets are mothered by a sow. 大母猪是小猪仔之母。
- Spring lambs were outgrowing the piglets. 早春羊长得比小猪快
- She was the only piglet in her family. 她是家中唯一的小猪。
- The piglets had the buttermilk and loved it. 小猪喝脱脂乳而且很爱喝。
- Traditionally piglets were weaned at eight weeks. 小猪通常在八周时断奶。
- In fact, I piglets and a lot of different places. 我叫小莉,属猪的,别人都叫我“小猪”莉莉。
- How much lactose for piglet diets? 乳糖在仔猪料中的最佳水平?
- The chickens are eating. But not the piglet. 小鸡们在吃食,但是那只小猪没有吃。
- Bottom: One of Wu's children plays with a piglet. 下图:吴正平顽皮的儿子,最爱逗弄小猪。
- Piglet:where are you going, Pooh? 小猪:你要去哪里,维尼?
- Piglet: put the umbrella over me. I'm getting wet! 小猪:把伞撑过来点.;我都淋湿了!
- Piglet small bravely, “it's all right, pooh. 维尼摇了摇头:“对不起,小猪。”
- Walking about with the little piglet! 背著小猪到处走!
- TNB and NBA of both Suzhong and Erhualian sows with 152/170 genotype are large. 二花脸猪和苏钟猪172/152基因型都有较高的总产仔数和产活仔数。
- Yang Huo sent him a piglet as a gift. 于是阳货送一只小猪给孔子。