- Had to erase all thoughts of failure from his mind. 必须抹去他头脑中所有有关失败的记忆
- Erase All Unprotected 擦除全部非保护
- Erase all statistics data for the current user? 清除当前用户的所有统计数据?
- Choose this option to erase all information on the hard drive. 选择该选项以便将硬盘上的信息全部清除。
- Formatting data area will erase all the media contents.Continue? 对数据区进行格式化将会擦除所有媒体内容,您要继续么?
- But grassy slopes, lakes and walkways will soon erase all trace of his house. 但草地斜坡、湖泊或人行道路不久将摸掉他的房子所有的痕迹。
- In Armour-Geddon, a power crazed entity is developing a devastating energy beam to wipe out all unprotected life on Earth. 在装甲战神游戏中 ,某个疯狂的能量体正在释放一种毁灭性的能量束,将使所有地球上毫无防卫的生命受到威胁。
- Ensure that the ignition is on, and with the DRB, erase all diagnostic trouble codes. 确保已经点火,用DRB,擦去所有诊断故障码。
- I intend to erase all non-human DNA whether they are from plant, animal, mineral, dolphin or whale sources. 我意愿抹除所有非人类的DNA,不管它们是来自植物、物、物、豚或鲸鱼来源。
- This operation will erase ALL data from the destination disk. Are you sure you want to continue? 这个操作会删除目标磁盘上的所有数据。确实想继续吗?
- Formatting erases all data on the device. 格式化将擦除设备中的所有数据。
- A technology that enables the Exchange server to set a mobile device to erase all data the next time the device connects to the Exchange server. 一种技术,可允许Exchange服务器设置移动设备以便在设备再次连接到Exchange服务器时擦除所有数据。
- These changes effectively erase all data that is currently on the selected hard disk and you will not be able to undo them later. 这些变更会删除当前硬盘上的数据,以后将无法撤销。当然,安装程序会在写入磁盘之前让您确认。
- B: Some hackers will send a mail bomb, and others will try to get into your system's hard drive and erase all your data! 有人会施放邮件炸弹,有人则会侵入你的硬碟,把资料全部杀掉。
- Mark out and erase all unnecessary parts, turn it a little, applying Edit -Free Transform (ctrl+t) and apply Filter -Filter Gallery -Film Grain. 将书本以外的无用区域擦除,点击编辑-自由变换把书改小一点(ctrl+t),并点击滤镜-艺术效果-胶片颗粒。
- You have chosen to reformat the hard drive of the computer that you are setting up.This will erase all information on the hard drive. 您已选择要重新格式化正在安装的计算机上的硬盘,该操作将清除硬盘上的所有数据。
- This command erases all data on the specified partition. 这指令在指定的分区上抹去所有的数据。
- This virus will erase all IMEI and IMSI information from both your phone and your SIM card, which will make your phone unable to connect with the telephone network. 这个病毒将抹掉你(们)的电话和你(们)的 类比 卡片的所有 IMEI 和 IMSI 的资讯, 它(这)将使你(们)的电话不能连接电话网路。
- Selecting Clear partitions will erase all previous partitions on your disk, so be careful with this option!It is also possible to resize certain partition types. 我本来也打算自己手动分区,不过没找到选项在哪,就由得它自动分区了。