- The goal is to learn to think skillfully and maturely, but also independently.The contents include investment environment, markets and instruments, portfolio theory, equilibrium in capital markets. 内容包括:金融投资工具、证券市场与证券交易实务、投资模拟模型、总体经济环境分析、产业与公司分析、权益证券评价等。
- Analyzing stock investments in capital market. 分析资本市场上的股票投资。
- Equilibrium in Capital markets 资本市场均衡
- He started out by 4000 yuan in capital markets staged scenes to buy the game. 中英文对照:他靠4000元起家,在资本市场上演的一幕幕收购游戏。
- The accounting policy choice of listed companies is one of important tasks in capital market research. 上市公司会计政策选择是资本市场研究领域的重要课题之一,它直接关系到上市公司会计信息质量的高低,进而关系到资本市场的运行效率,是一个非常值得研究的课题。
- This paper chlefly analyzes the present problem of the intermediary agencies in capital market. 本文主要分析了资本市场中介机构目前存在的问题。
- Seasoned equity offering (SEO) is one of the main ways of refinancing in capital market for listed companies. 增发新股是上市公司通过资本市场取得后续融资的主要方式之一。
- If China continues to see large capital outflows, part of that money is likely to go into US Treasuries, given the risk-averse mood in capital markets. 如果中国继续出现大量资本外流,考虑到资本市场上的风险厌恶情绪,部分资金可能会流向美国国债。
- Second, it may be a good idea for some African countries to borrow cautiously in capital markets to establish a new reputation with investors. 其次,对一些非洲国家而言,在资本市场上谨慎地借贷,在投资者中树立新的声誉,或许是个不错的主意。
- The harm done to liquidity in capital markets by turnover taxes may seem abstract when the banks' fortunes are reviving so immodestly. 瑞典曾在上世纪80年代对股票、债券和衍生品交易课以重税,但这种做法导致了交易量的急剧下降,因此在1991年即遭废止。
- We have achieved an equilibrium in the economy. 我们已在经济上达到平衡。
- The analyst pointed out that Alibaba is not good in capital market's performance the handle which the grantor attacks truly. 分析人士指出,阿里巴巴在资本市场的表现不佳确实授予人以攻击的把柄。
- How to find Nash Equilibrium in a ZeroSum Game? 如何在一个零和博弈中找到纳什均衡?
- As an important tool of risk management in capital market, the function of stock index futures is dependent on the determination of hedge ratio. 摘要股指期货作为资本市场中重要的风险管理工具,其功能的发挥取决于套期保值比率的确定。
- Conditional support and help rural credit cooperatives Xianlianshe in capital markets, through loan and borrow funds with the industry funds remaining places. 支持和帮助有条件的农村信用社县联社参加资金市场,通过同业拆借和同业借款调剂资金余缺。
- The difference in value preference, compared with information asymmetry, is a more vital soft factor in capital market segmentation. 相对信息不对称,价值偏好差异是更重要的资本市场软分割因素。
- The objective is to address the key-challenges arising from shareholders' pressures for revenue growth, new technologies, innovations in capital markets, interna... 其目的是解决的关键挑战的收入增长,新技术的股东所产生的压力,在资本市场,国际一体化的创新,和即将举行的巴塞尔资本规定。
- On the other hand, the kinds of product in Capital market can not be few, or else a mass of capital will chase a few products and great risks will appear and accumulate. 从目前我国资本市场的现状来看,与10年前有了可喜的进步,但与发达国家相比仍存在很大的距离,缩短这一距离的根本就在于建立市场化的创新体系,鼓励资本市场中的技术创新。
- Fill in your answer in capital letter, not small letter. 答案用大写字母填写,不要用小写字母。
- Moreover, the above tendence that Chinese private enterprises participate in the cultrural field will undoubtedly become another hotspot in capital market. 制播分离是中国电视行业的发展方向,积极参与数字电视的发展,并进入文化产业发展的核心链条,必将成为资本市场的又一个热点。