- Eppley pyrheliometer 埃普利太阳热量计,埃普利日射强度计
- Around town the neighbors greeted my father as "Doc Eppley. 邻居们都称我的父亲为埃普利医生。
- Eppley K. Design of a 100MW X-band klystron. February 1989: SLAC-PUB-4900. 中国科学院电子学研究所编.;大功率速调管设计手册。北京:国防工业出版社,1979(第一版):165-167
- I was sixteen years old and the neighbors still called me "Doctor Eppley's son. 我都十六岁了,邻居们还是称呼我“埃普利医生的儿子”。
- I chose to attend a school far from Enosburg, a place where nobody called me "Doctor Eppley's son. 我选中了一所远离伊诺斯堡的学校,一个没人管我叫“埃普利医生的儿子”的地方。
- Any of several radiometric instruments, such as a pyrheliometer, used chiefly for meteorological measurements of terrestrial and solar radiation. 日射强度表一种微辐射探测仪,如直接日射强度计,主要用于对地球及太阳辐射的气象测量
- An instrument in which a mirror is automatically moved so that it reflects sunlight in a constant direction. It is used with a pyrheliometer to make continuous measurements of solar radiation. 定日镜一种仪器,装有一面会自动调控的镜子,以便不断朝某一恒定方向反射日光。与太阳热量计同时使用,以保持对太阳辐射的不间断测量
- An instrument in which a mirror is automatically moved so that it reflects sunlight in a constant direction.It is used with a pyrheliometer to make continuous measurements of solar radiation. 定日镜一种仪器,装有一面会自动调控的镜子,以便不断朝某一恒定方向反射日光。
- Angstrom compensation pyrheliometer 埃斯特朗补偿太阳热量计
- michelison bimetallic pyrheliometer 迈克尔逊双金属直接日射计
- absolute ( self-calibrating ) pyrheliometer 绝对直接日射表
- absolute (self-calibrating) pyrheliometer 绝对直接日射表
- absolute self-calibrating pyrheliometer 绝对直接日射表
- I panicked and, without thinking, shouted, "I'm Doctor Eppley's son." 我害怕起来,想也没想就叫道,“我是埃普利医生的儿子。”
- Standard Test Method for Calibration of a Pyranometer Using a Pyrheliometer 用直接日射强度表校正日射强度计试验方法
- " And I soon learned that as long as I lived in Enosburg I would always be known as "Doctor Eppley's son". 我很快意识到,只要我住在伊诺斯堡镇,我就永远只是“埃普利医生的儿子”。
- any of several radiometric instruments,such as a pyrheliometer,used chiefly for meteorological measurements of terrestrial and solar radiation 日射强度表,一种微辐射探测仪,如直接日射强度计,主要用于对地球及太阳辐射的气象测量
- Christopher D,Preval Barry L,Eppley Ryan,et al.Nfini and micro plating of phalangeal and metacarpal factures:A biomechanical study[J].Hand Surg(Am),1995,20:44 周伯禧;林高田;林森源;等.;手掌骨折内外固定器之刚度比较[J]
- Eppleyn. 埃普利