- Intrasinusoidal lymphocytic infiltration, abnormalities of portal vessels and epithelioid granulomas were observed in 90%, 43% and 44% of patients, respectively. 90%25患者存在窦内淋巴细胞浸润,43%25存在门脉血管异常,44%25存在上皮性肉芽肿。
- These are epithelioid cells around the center of a granuloma. 上皮样细胞围绕在肉芽肿中央周围。
- Epithelioid granuloma 上皮样肉芽肿
- Additional pink epithelioid macrophages compose most of the rest of the granuloma. 更多的上皮样细胞构成了肉芽肿的其它部分。
- At high magnification, the granuloma demonstrates that the epithelioid macrophages are elongated with long, pale nuclei and pink cytoplasm. 高倍镜下,肉芽肿内可见上皮样细胞,胞核染色较浅、胞质粉红色。
- Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion. 肉芽肿是较局限化的。
- Seen here in a hilar lymph node is a granuloma. 图示:肺门淋巴结处可见肉芽肿。
- A biopsy on the right nasolabial fold showed dermal granuloma formation around hair follicles, composed of lymphocytes, epithelioid histiocytes and occasional multinucleated giant cells. 病理下可见真皮内的毛囊旁有肉芽肿产生,内含淋巴球、表皮样组织细胞以及少数的多核巨大细胞。
- One case of epithelioid hemangioma on the head was reported. 报告1例发生于头部的上皮样血管瘤。
- It is essential to differentiate this entity from pyogenic granuloma, Kaposi's sarcoma, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, arthropod bite reactions, and acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma. 此疾病必需与化脓性肉芽肿,卡波西氏肉瘤,上皮样血管内皮瘤,节肢动物叮咬反应,及肢端假淋巴瘤性血管角化瘤做鑑别诊断。
- Giant cells are a "committee" of epithelioid macrophages. 巨细胞由多个上皮样细胞融合而成。
- This is a caseating granuloma of tuberculosis in the adrenal gland. 肺结核病时肾上腺的干酪样肉芽肿性炎。
- A case of skin granuloma caused by Fusarium sp. is reported. 报告1例镰刀菌皮肤肉芽肿。患者男,21岁。
- The edge of a granuloma is shown here at high magnification. 在高倍镜下观察肉芽肿的边缘区域。
- The epithelioid cells were found in 6 cases with pigment and varied polypodias. 6例标本发现有上皮样细胞,其胞浆中含色素颗粒,表面有较多足突。
- It can reduce capillary permeability and granuloma formation in mice. 能明显抑制小鼠毛细血管通透性增高和棉球肉芽肿形成。
- The caseating granuloma and acid fast bacillus positive is specific for IT. 病理检查干酪性肉芽肿、细菌抗酸染色阳性仅见于肠结核病 ;
- Objective To evaluate the CT manifestations of bone eosinophilic granuloma. 目的探讨骨嗜酸性肉芽肿的CT表现特点。
- Granuloma inguinale is a bacterial infection transmitted by sexual contact. 热带腹股沟肉芽肿是一种由性接触传播的细菌性传染病。
- Plasma cell granuloma is a rare tumor-like benign lesion of uncertain etiology. 摘要浆细胞肉芽肿是一种外表类似肿瘤的良性病灶。