- Learn how to use Modern English terms to describe your job and different position and titles within your company. 学习怎样用洋话连篇现代美语描述你的工作和公司里的不同职位。
- Learn the Modern English terms relates to the procedures and processes dealing with traveling on business in the West. 学习与西方商务旅行程序有关的洋话连篇现代美语术语。
- The Arabs refer to the zero as Siphra or Sifr from which we have the English terms Cipher or Cypher. 阿拉伯人作为斯夫拉(Siphra)或斯夫(Sifr)来提及“零”,我们有英语术语是Cipher(密码)或Cypher(翻译)。
- Also, all variants here are called by their usual Dutch name, by lack of proper English terms. 并且,这里所有变形由他们的通常荷兰名字叫,由缺乏适当的英国期限。
- A semicolon is used to separate two or more Chinese equivalents of the same English term, e. G. 用于分隔同一英文词条不同的中文对应语词,如
- There's more to a car than four wheels and a motor! Here are some Modern English terms to describe various other features. 汽车决不是四个轮子一个发动机那么简单!今天我们要教大家一些术语来描述汽车其它的性能。
- After a restaurant meal, you must pay, of course! See how John uses Modern English terms to handle this when he takes Kelly to dinner. 在饭馆就餐完毕后,当然一定要付账!看看John在带Kelly出去吃饭时是怎样用现代美语来处理付账问题的。
- Probably everyone has seen a movie at one time or another! Discover some Modern English terms for expressing your feelings about them. 大家差不多都看过电影,那么找一些流行英语去抒发一下你的观后感吧!
- What amazed me was that it played in America with all the English terms about cricket and vicars.But that seemed to work in its favor. 让我感到惊喜的是,我们所用到的所有英国英语关于板球和牧师的术语似乎刚好符合他们的口味。
- There are stories about the next two President, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, which attempt to explain the American English term OK. 还有一些有关下任两位总统的故事:安德鲁?杰克逊总统以及马丁?范?布伦总统,故事涉及到美国英语单词OK的解释。
- Dubuffet's term "Art Brut" is specific and the English term "Outsider Art" is more broadly and include self-taught or Naive artists. 杜布菲的任期“艺术香槟”是具体的和英文的“局外人”艺术是更广泛,包括自学或朴素艺术家。
- Dubuffet's term "Art Brut" is specific and the English term "Outsider Art" is more broadly and include self-taught or Naive artists who were never institutionalized. 杜布菲的任期“艺术香槟”是具体的和英文的“局外人”艺术是更广泛,包括自学或朴素艺术家谁从来没有制度化。
- The term selection, denomination, definition and English term determination are not only important, but also very difficult in the grammatology term standardization. 摘要名词审定过程中,术语的选择、定名、定义、英文名称的确定这几个环节既至关重要,也困难重重。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- Backmatter An American term to describe those pages following the main text of a book. It may include Appendix, glossary, Bibliography and Index.Endmatter is the corresponding English term. 指书籍正文后的部份。它包括附录、词汇、参考书目和索引。
- On no terms should you give up learning English. 你决不能放弃学习英语。
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。