- Our English newspaper is fantastic. 我们的英文报纸非常棒。
- How about reading an English newspaper? 读张英文报纸怎么样?
- I'll bring an English newspaper immediately. 我马上带一份英文报纸过来。
- Wow! Our English newspaper is fantastic! 哇!我们的英语报太完美了!
- I remember reading about it in an English newspaper. 我记得是在一张英文报纸里读到这事的报导的。
- Reading an English newspaper is a piece of cake for me. 读英语报纸对我来说可谓小菜一碟。
- Reading English newspaper is a good way of improving your English. 读英文报纸是提高英语水平的一条很好的途径。
- Yesterday I read an English newspaper for the first time. 昨天我首次看了一份英文报纸。
- A headline is the briefest summary of the article in the English newspaper. 英语报刊标题是英语报刊的文章内容最高度的概括和浓缩。
- An English newspaper scornfully called him an "organgrinder without a monkey". 一家英文报纸甚至蔑视地把他叫做“没猴子的卖艺人。”
- Services to the Room Guest Could you bring me an English newspaper, please? 请送一份英文报纸给我好吗?
- According to an English newspaper,scientists could begin cloning human embryos in Britain in 2001. 英国报纸曾报道,2001年英国科学家可以开始克隆人的胚胎。
- The English newspaper headline is brief and explicit and is considered the soul of the news. 英文报刊标题提纲挈领,是新闻报道的灵魂。
- An English newspaper scornfully called him an Italian "organgrinder without a monkey" . 一家英文报纸甚至蔑视地把他叫做意大利的“不玩猴子的卖艺人。”
- A plate of fresh fruit will be supply while guest arrival, as well as the Chinese or English newspaper. 入住房间时将或赠酒店新鲜水果盘中或英文报纸。
- Among all these numerous translation theories, there should be congenial theories for the translation of English newspaper neologisms. 在这众多的翻译理论中,必定会有适合于英文报刊新词的翻译理论。
- Reading English newspaper provided the college students a new model for English learning. 摘要英文报刊阅读对于大学英语单词学习起着独特的作用。
- English newspaper reading has become one of the focuses of English classroom teaching research. 一些中学英语教师已尝试将英文报刊应用于阅读教学中,以作为对英语阅读课的补充。
- What was the name of the first non English newspaper to be published in Singapore? 新加坡出版的第一份非英文报纸叫什么名字?
- This behavior also can cite the example of an English newspaper to be strengthened. 这种现象还可以举一个英国报纸的例子来加以强化说明。