- Today,salaries for primary school teachers are too low. 现在小学教员的工资太低。
- Today, salaries for primary school teachers are too low. 现在小学教员的工资太低。
- The government regularly updates and improves the design for primary schools. 政府定期修订和改善小学校舍的设计。
- English for primary schools 小学英语
- Congratulationgs to Fity.She did a good job in Guangzhou English Vocabulary Contest for Primary School Pupils. 祝贺许斐婷同学在广州市小学生词汇竞赛中荣获三等奖!
- Syllabuses for Primary Schools: English Language (Primary1-6). (1997). The Curriculum Development Council, The Education Department, Hong Kong. 普通高级中学英文科暂行课程纲要。九十五年发布。教育部。
- Congratulationgs to Fity.She did a good job in Guangzhou English Vocabulary Contest for Primary School Pupils . 祝贺许斐婷同学在广州市小学生词汇竞赛中荣获三等奖!
- It is worthy to promote the creative digital storytelling in composition teaching for primary school educations. (五)创意数位说故事作文教学在国小阶段是值得推行的。
- Since 1999,the book for primary schools has been put into experimental use in Hebei and Guangxi provinces. It was not only welcomed by many students and teachers but also highly praised by English teaching experts like Ms. Liu Daoyi. 从1999年起,该教材开始在河北与广西的部分小学试用,受到了学生与老师们的欢迎,并得到了刘道义等英语专家的肯定。
- Since 1999, the book for primary schools has been put into experimental use in Hebei and Guangxi provinces. It was not only welcomed by many students and teachers but also highly praised by English teaching experts like Ms. Liu Daoyi. 从1999年起,该教材开始在河北与广西的部分小学试用,受到了学生与老师们的欢迎,并得到了刘道义等英语专家的肯定。
- We have studied English for years. 我们学英语已有好几年了。
- Should we first restore the system of five years for primary schools and another five for secondary schools? 是否先恢复小学五年,中学五年,以后再进一步研究。
- The 1999 Reading Award Scheme for Primary 5 and 6 attracted 60 000 pupils from 470 primary schools. 一九九九年,为小五及小六学生举办的阅读奖励计划,吸引了来自470所小学的60000名学生参加。
- By the end of 2001, the enrolment rate of school-age children had reached 97.41% for primary schools and 82.02% for junior middle schools. 到2001年,小学适龄儿童入学率已达97.;41%25,初中达82
- Be you learning english for pleasure or for your work? 你学英语是出於兴趣还是为了工作?
- By the end of 2001,the enrolment rate of school-age children had reached 97.41% for primary schools and 82.02% for junior middle schools. 到2001年,小学适龄儿童入学率已达97.;41%25,初中达82
- She is known to have taught English for many years. 据人们所知她教英语已经多年了。
- Many parents had not realised what'alma mater'could imply until they tried to get their children registrated for primary school. 自己的孩子要入学之际,才惊觉“母校”这个名字原来意义深重。
- He's learning English for the fun of it. 他为了好玩才学习英语的。
- Q8: What advice would have for a Chinese publisher who wants to publish science coursebooks for primary school students? 问题8:你对要出版小学科学教材的中国出版社有什么建议?