- It makes my English grade higher than before. 我的英语成绩比以前好了很多。
- Prefer to have English Grade Cert.Level 8 and above . 应届毕业生均可,英语八级、听、说、写流利!
- English Grading Teaching in the Present Situation 扩招形势下的英语分级教学
- The Leaners'Emotional Analysis on College English Grading Teaching 大学英语分级教学下学习者情绪探析
- On College English Grading Teaching Based on Findings about Individual Difference of Students'English Learning 就学生英语学习个体差异调查谈大学英语分级教学
- I'll teach English to whoever wants to learn it. 谁想学英文,我就教他。
- I have been learning English for five years,my English grades is the best in my clss.I believe that my jeam will come ture. 现在,我已经学习英语5年了。在班上,我的英语成绩最好,我相信我的梦想一定会实现。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- I prefer this system of teaching English. 我喜欢这一种英语教授方法。
- Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗?
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- He is unqualified to teach English. 他不适合教英语; 他没有教英语的资格。
- A Talk on the Listening Test for College English Grade 谈大学英语四级听力应试
- My siblings and I pulled through school with good English grades,partly because my mother insisted on supervising our grammar and vocabulary practices though she didn't understand much. 在学校里,我和兄弟姐妹的英文都取得很好的成绩。那是因为妈妈坚持督促我们练习文法和词汇,虽然她本身对它们并不太明白。
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- I will teach you English provided circumstances permit. 假如情况允许的话,我就教你英语。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- She's a housewife when she's not teaching English, that is. 她是个家庭主妇--是指她不教英语的时候。