- Energy at the Sports Arena 体育竞技场里的能量
- The stands at the sports ground rake steeply. 运动场的看台坡度很大。
- He is going to put the shot at the sports meet . 在运动会中,他将推铅球。
- He is going to put the shot at the sports meet. 在运动会中,他将推铅球。
- He runs in a race at the sports festival. 他在运动会上赛跑。
- The mayor gave away the prizes at the sports meet. 市长在运动会上分发奖品。
- I ran the 5,000-metre race at the sports meet. 这次运动会,我参加了五千米长跑。
- They arrived at the decision that the sports meet be cancelled. 他们作出决定取消运动会。
- The brain consumes electrical energy at the rate of 25 watts and occupies a volume of one tenth of a cubic foot. 人脑对电能的消耗率约为25瓦特,其体积约为1/10立方尺。
- The headmaster gave away medals to the winners at the sports meet. 校长为运动会各奖项的获得者发奖章。
- There are two types of relationships between the energy at the two poles: oppositeness and complementation. 旋机的两极能量存在两种关系:对立与互补。
- Not until the game had begun did he arrive at the sports ground. 直到运动会开始他才到达操场。
- Kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine. 昆达里尼可以被描绘成脊骨底部创造性能量的巨大储库。
- What kind of events are you going to take at the sports meeting? 运动会上你参加什么项目?
- Slung at the end of heavy arms are immense twin blasters, which unleash destructive energy at a pounding pace. 沉重的机械臂末端悬挂着强大的双管激光炮,以连续不断的节奏释放出毁灭性的能量。
- Atmospheric circulation is greatly affected by the balance of thermal energy at the land surface. 大气环流很大程度上受到表面土地热能平衡的影响。
- Phase decoherence induces dephasing, and amplitude decoherence induces dephasing and loss of energy at the same time. 相位消相干引起解相过程,而振幅消相干同时引起解相过程和能量耗散。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- If you throw a ball into the air, it rises to a higher altitude but decelerates: it gains gravitational energy at the expense of kinetic energy. 如果把球丢到空中,高度增加,但速度减低了:动能的损失转变为重力位能。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。