- foreign energy cooperation system 对外能源合作制度
- Energy Cooperation System 能源合作机制
- A model of the cooperation system of honeypot and IDS is introduced. 介绍了蜜罐与入侵检测协作系统的设计模型。
- Fourrh Conference of Energy Cooperation of Sino-EU held in China world Hotel in 2001. 2001年,在中国大饭店承办的第四届中国--欧洲联盟能源合作大会。
- The Joint Stock Cooperation System (JSCS) rose from rural collective enterprise and developed in the early 1980' s. 股份合作制是20世纪80年代初期在我国的农村集体企业中产生、发展起来的。
- Energy cooperation through the United States and Azerbaijan have also maintained good relations. 通过能源合作,美国同阿塞拜疆也保持着良好关系。
- The invention also provides a broadcast cooperation system and the signal processing device(s). 本发明还提供广播节目的互助系统和信号处理装置。
- The energy cooperation is a very important part in the whole economic cooperation between China and Azerbaijan. 能源合作是中阿双边经贸合作的重要领域。
- The Rural Share Cooperation System (RSCS) rose during the economic system reform in the early 1980"s. 农村股份合作制是二十世纪八十年代初期在我国农村经济体制改革过程中产生的;
- Multiparty cooperation system with a high degree of social integration functions. 这种整合能力的发挥,主要依赖于多党合作制度结构的适应性、共产党的社会整合能力和民主党派社会整合能力这三个方面。
- Also,it advanced along with a unique path,being a governmental cooperation system of member. 它沿着一条独特道路向前发展,是一种成员国政府间合作机制;
- Before 2007, the Sino-Qatari energy cooperation was confined to importation of petroleum and other products Qatar to China. 2007年以前,中卡能源合作仅限于中国从卡塔尔进口石油及其产品。
- During talks in Moscow, President Dmitri Medvedev and the Bolivian President Evo Morales also agreed on closer energy cooperation. 在莫斯科的谈话中,梅德韦杰夫总统和玻利维亚总统埃沃.;莫拉莱斯也就进一步的能源合作达成了一致。
- China's Foreign Ministry says Premier Wen Jiabao will visit Russia and Kazakhstan later this month for talks on energy cooperation and other issues. 中国外交部说,温家宝总理本月晚些时候将访问俄罗斯和哈萨克,就能源合作和其他问题进行会谈。
- Nowdays, the multilateral security cooperation system, represented by CSCE, is the most effective way to solve area security in this world. 现今世界上,以欧安会为代表的多边安全合作模式是解决地区安全最有效方式。
- In view of its extensive organization background and powerful organization support given by the SCO, the energy cooperation among China, Russian and mid-Asian is so promising. 中国与俄罗斯和中亚国家的能源合作具有更为广泛的组织背景和强大的组织支撑,因而极具发展前景。
- The joint stock cooperation system,which makes county hospital as the bibcock and the united operation model of towns and villages are good reform methods. 乡镇卫生院的体制改革势在必行,以县医院为“龙头”的股份合作制,城乡联合经营模式是较好的改制方法。
- During Prime Minister Manmohan SINGH's visit to America in July 2005,the USA reached a preliminary accord on civilian nuclear energy cooperation with India. 美国借助2005年7月印度总理辛格总理访问美国之机,与印度初步达成了美印民用核能合作协议。
- We also deepened the reform of our foreign trade and economic cooperation system,diversified foreign trade entities,strengthened port management and streamlined customs clearance. 深化外经贸体制改革,推进外贸经营主体多元化,提高口岸管理水平和通关能力。
- After 6 hours' repeated negotiation,China and Russia signed seven energy cooperation documents on 17th in Beijng, which are Russia's maximum amount energy agreements in history. 经过6个多小时的反复磋商,中俄两国17日在北京签署了七个能源合作文件,这是俄方有史以来金额最大的能源协议。