- The extension of city endangers wild animals. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
- The cantonal extending has endangered wildness animals' life. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
- Artificial reproduction has been successfully implemented for more than 60 species of rare and endangered wild animals,and through propagation,such species as David's deer,wild horse and saiga tatarica have been re-introduced. 60多种珍稀濒危野生动物人工繁殖成功;麋鹿、野马、高鼻羚羊等动物经引种繁殖已初步得到恢复。
- Artificial reproduction has been successfully implemented for more than 60 species of rare and endangered wild animals, and through propagation, such species as David's deer, wild horse and saiga tatarica have been re-introduced. 60多种珍稀濒危野生动物人工繁殖成功;麋鹿、野马、高鼻羚羊等动物经引种繁殖已初步得到恢复。
- In order to protect the endangered wild animals and protect the Tibetan traditional culture, please let us publicize that dressing furs is killing wild animals and do not consume the furs. 为了保护那些濒危的野生动物,为了维护藏族传统文化,请让我们宣传:穿戴动物毛皮就等于杀生,请不要消费野生动物毛皮。
- Wild animals don't breed well in captivity. 野生动物圈养时不好繁殖。
- Tracking wild animals requires great stealth. 跟踪野生动物必须悄然无声。
- the extend of city is endangering wild animals. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
- The cantonal outspread endangered the survival of wild animals. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
- They lit a fire to keep wild animals off. 他们燃起篝火防止野兽接近。
- A collection of live wild animals on exhibition. 动物展览活的野生动物的展览
- Endangered wild animals 濒危物种
- Birds and wild animals often pair in the spring. 鸟类和兽类常在春天求偶。
- The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia. 豺狼是产于亚非的一种野生动物。
- Suddenly the wild animal charged at us. 突然那头野兽朝我们冲过来。
- They were caught poaching wild animals. 他们因捕猎野生活动而被捕。
- Sportsmen hunt wild animals in Africa. 运动员们猎取非洲的野兽。
- They potted at small wild animals in the wood. 他们射击树林里的小野兽。
- Gibbons is an endangered wild species, and the heart diseases may increase relatively, because their life span could reach until 25-30 years old or more. 本研究鑑于长臂猿为濒临绝种保育类野生动物,且因其寿命可达25-30岁而心脏疾病发生机率亦相对较大。
- Wild animals are out of their element in cages. 野生动物不习惯笼中生活。