- Enable mirror to port port-no 交换机端口镜像配置方法
- The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- The ship took on a dangerous cant to port. 船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。
- She went to the mirror to do up her hair. 她走到镜子前梳理头发。
- He looked in the mirror to check his tie. 他对著镜子看领带是否系正。
- Add a mirror to a simple volume. 将镜像添加到一个简单卷。
- The damaged ship listed to port. 遭到损坏的船只朝左侧倾斜。
- One ’s courtesy is a mirror to see his image . 一个人的)礼貌是一面照出他的肖像的镜子。
- Carol: He can just look in the mirror to see that. 卡罗尔:呵呵,他的样子只要照一下镜子就能看到。
- The damaged ship was leaning to port. 受损坏的船向左舷倾斜。
- Rick often watched the boats returning to port in the late afternoon. 瑞克常常看到小船在傍晚回到港口。
- One story says the Archimedes made a burning mirror to set fire to the Roman ships which were attacking Syracuse. 有一个故事说阿基米德制造了一个火焰镜,点烯了进攻叙拉古的罗马战船。
- Debug using a TCP connection to port on host. 调试过程使用宿主机上的一个端口建立TCP连接。
- We need to port the boat to get around the shoal. 我们得左转舵以绕过浅滩。
- The lights in the harbor guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- Could not connect to port device %1. 无法连接到端口设备%251。
- That ship has a list to port [a port list]. 那条船向左倾斜。
- The ship was now listing to port. 船当时正向港口开进
- The first mirror was a pool of still water, and for untold centuries there was no other mirror to take its place. 最初的镜子是一池静水,不知过了多少世纪,仍没有其他的镜子能将其取代。
- The damaged ship was leaning over to port. 损坏的船向左舷倾斜。