- Emperor Yang Guang 隋炀帝
- Changzhou New Develop Area Yang Guang Polishing Material Co., Ltd. 常州新区阳光抛光材料有限公司浙江三鼎工具有限公司。
- Yang Guang: Teacher in the School of Journalism& Communication, Jinan University. 杨洸:暨南大学新闻与传播学院教师。
- A peasant uprising overthrew the Sui Dynasty and Yang Guang had to find eternal rest in a lonely tomb in Leitang. 一场农民大起义的风暴,摧毁了隋王朝,雷塘一座孤坟深埋了杨广残破的春梦。
- Emperor Yang in the Sui Dynasty is not only a rare fatuous tyrant in Chinese history but also an outstanding poet. 摘要隋炀帝是中国历史上少有的昏暴之君,但在文学上却是一位杰出的诗人。
- But, regarding the capital with our country friendly Burmese neighbouring country as Yang Guang is scorching however, become hard sultrily. 可是,作为我国友好邻邦缅甸的首都仰光却是骄阳似火、酷热难当。
- Current plans call for six additional new passenger car models beyond Bluebird to be produced in Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd., by 2006, with Sunny (Yang Guang) being the first. 根据目前的规划,除蓝鸟轿车以外,东风汽车有限公司到2006年时将推出6款新型乘用车,第一款是sunny(阳光)
- Reporter learned the other day from the insider place that Nie Yuan and will love one another two year biconditional gate female apprentice Yang Guang to marry officially. 记者日前从知情人士处获悉,聂远将和相恋两年的同门师妹杨光正式结婚。
- Attrbuting to the proprietary UV surface,De Tian Di Gong Cheng Yang Guang Ban remain perfact mechanical andoptical properties affer exposed to extreme weather for a long tima. 产品表面含有防紫外经共挤出层,户外耐用候性好,长期使用及保持良好的光学特性和机械性能。
- Su Dongpo wrote a poem: "If chewing Perlman, in the Crisp and yee," Qing Yang Guang Fu wrote: "Filled Peach loaded eat moon cakes, ice cream sugar cream sweet hell. 苏东坡有诗写道:“小饼如嚼 月,中 有酥和饴”,清朝杨光辅写道:“月饼饱 装桃肉馅,雪糕甜砌蔗糖霜”。
- Emperor Yang Chien [Sui Dynasty] 隋文帝杨坚
- Merry Adventures of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty 《隋炀帝艳史》
- Author Liu Zhifu;Yang Guang;Zhen Demin; 作者刘志福;杨光;甄德民;
- XIAO Xue MA Yi HUANGLi LING Li YANG Guang SHI Jing-shan 肖雪扬光
- The Background to Battle Korea Three Times by the Emperor Yang in Sui Dynasty 隋炀帝三征高丽的背景
- That emperor was a cruel despot. 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。
- The emperor was actually a political eunuch. 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。
- I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes. 我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。