- The second, Emperor Sui Yang made great contributions to the society and the people, but he had clear defect on the distinguishment of merits and guiltiness; 其次,隋炀帝对社会和历史既有重大贡献,但又有明显的缺点,功明过显;
- Emperor Sui Yang 隋炀帝
- In 581 AD, Northern Zhou's Yang Jian forced Zhou Jindi to abdicate, and established the Sui dynasty.He was Emperor Sui Wendi. 公元581年,北周大丞相杨坚废掉周静帝,篡夺鲜卑北周王朝而建立隋朝,他便是中国历史上著名的隋文帝。
- Two statements on the origin of Luoyang peony,that is,Sui Yang Di moved the peony to Xiyuan in Luoyang and Wu Zetian demoted the peony from Changan to Luoyang are thought of being wrong. 关于洛阳牡丹的来历,许多人在同文同书中既主隋炀帝洛阳西苑牡丹说,又主武则天贬长安牡丹于洛阳说,所依据的是古代小说中的情节。
- Zhao and looks correct, careful way, the generation favor Wei, from serving meals generation rose to become General Anyuan, li bu Shangshu, Sui yang Hou, and then into the Grand Hanoi public. 赵黑容貌端正,处事谨慎,得到魏世祖欢心,从服侍世祖膳食一跃而成为安远将军,吏部尚书,睢阳侯,后又进爵河内公。
- On the Unprecedented Development of Chinese and Japanese Diplomatic Relationship During the Rein of Sui Yang Emperor 略论隋炀帝时中日外交关系的空前发展
- Sui Yang Emperor and Religions 隋炀帝与宗教
- Emperor Yang in the Sui Dynasty is not only a rare fatuous tyrant in Chinese history but also an outstanding poet. 摘要隋炀帝是中国历史上少有的昏暴之君,但在文学上却是一位杰出的诗人。
- I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes. 我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。
- That emperor was a cruel despot. 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。
- The emperor was actually a political eunuch. 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。
- I left all for Xiao Yang to decide. 一切我都让小杨去决定。
- Rome's power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan. 罗马帝国的势力在图雷真皇帝的统治下达到顶峰。
- They dethroned the last emperor. 他们罢免了最後一个皇帝。
- " Thus Emperor Sui Wendi issues an order to make public Li E's report and orders all officials to pay attention to the style of writing and avoid writing longwinded reports. 于是隋文帝下令把李谔的奏章通告全国,命令所有的官员都要注意文风,避免连篇累牍。
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei. 隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。
- He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty. 他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。