- Ancient Romans followed suit, as did Emperor Charlemagne, and finally Napoleon. 古罗马人遵循了这一传统,查尔斯大帝和拿破仑也一样。
- Its is said that the french emperor Charlemagne owned this place 1,300 years ago. 据传说,在1300年前法国国王查理曼拥有这里地方。
- Construction of this palatine chapel, with its octagonal basilica and cupola, began c. 790800 under the Emperor Charlemagne. 这座宫廷教堂整体结构呈长方形,屋顶为拱形,修建于约公元790年到公元800间查理曼大帝执政时期。
- Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on Christmas Day 800 AD. 查里曼于公元800 年圣诞节加冕为皇帝。
- That emperor was a cruel despot. 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。
- The emperor was actually a political eunuch. 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。
- Rome's power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan. 罗马帝国的势力在图雷真皇帝的统治下达到顶峰。
- Emperor Charlemagne ,查理曼法兰克国王(公元800年称帝)
- They dethroned the last emperor. 他们罢免了最後一个皇帝。
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty. 他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。
- AD Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks. 查理曼成为法兰克国王。
- Charlemagne towered above other rulers of his day. 查里曼的才华大大超过他同代的其他统治者。
- Any of the12 peers of Charlemagne's court. 查理大帝的十二武士之一查理曼大帝的法庭上12个贵族中的任何一个
- Of or relating to Charlemagne and his times. 查理大帝的,查理时代的查理大帝的,查理时代的;与查理大帝有关的,与查理时代有关的
- Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions. 当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径。
- Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks. 查理曼成为法兰克国王。
- So Charlemagne has a suggestion. 查理曼有一个办法。