- Emergent and critical case 急重症
- New application development of Naloxone in emergency and critical disease was discussed. 探讨纳洛酮在急危重病中应用的新进展。
- In conclusion, such an evacuation service may contribute to a better quality of emergency and critical care medicine for all residents in Kinmen. 研究结论:以受过专业训练的医疗小组使用固定翼医疗专机执行空中转送确实能解决金门地区急症重症医疗人力与资源不足的困境。
- In addition to their medical or paramedical background, students are requested to have advanced clinical knowledge concerning emergency and critical care medicine. 研究生除已具有医学相关背景外,并须有良好的急重症相关临床医疗经验与基础。
- A critic is a necessary evil, and criticism is an evil necessity. 批评家是必然的邪恶,而批评是邪恶的必然。
- French novelist and critic; defender of Dreyfus. 法国小说家和评论家;“德莱弗斯案件”的辩护者。
- Ask one to perform a joint sales call and critic. 请两位学员展示联合销售拜访然后评估。
- Great commercial success and critical acclaim Top! 商业的成功和关键的欢呼!
- He was certainly fastidious and critical. 他无疑要求很高,很会挑剔。
- Check your minimum and critical altitude. 检查你的最低标准和警告高度。假如失掉无线电联络。
- Contract negotiation and critical reviewing. 合同的谈判和修改。
- Emergency and critical care medicine 危重病急救医学
- The same ideas of critical size and critical mass apply to bombs. 同样的临界尺寸概念和临界质量概念适用于原子弹。
- Penetrating cardiac trauma(PCT) is an emergent and severe case of thoracic trauma,for its short course of disease and high mortality rate. 心脏穿透伤是胸外伤的危急重症,其自然病程短,病死率高。
- There are two types of thresholds: warning and critical. 有两种类型的阈值:警告阈值和临界阈值。
- Tom can keep clam in any emergency and never alam. 汤姆在任何紧急情况下都能保持镇静,从不会惊慌。
- Increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 3%. 提升法术的伤害和重击几率3%25
- Rooted hydrophytes, both emergent and submergent, are found in this zone. 该区域分布有有根的水生植物,包括浮游植物和沉水植物。
- Would you like to read and criticize my new novel? 您愿意阅读并评论一下我的新小说吗?
- Critical path and critical activities: time management principles. 关键路径与关键作业的权衡之道:时间管理法则。