- Emergency water resource 应急水源地
- Because of the increasing shortage of water resources especially in dry spring, emergent water dispatches have become the common way to solve the water crisis in irrigation areas of the downstream. 摘要由于水资源日益短缺,特别是春季干旱季节,实施应急水量调度已成为解决下游灌区水危机的常见手段。
- Beijing Water Resource Technology Co., Ltd. 北京水思源科技发展有限公司。
- In boundary, water resource is very rich. 境内水资源十分丰富。
- Wenzhou is rich in water resource. 温州水资源丰富。
- Wuhan,with 189 lakes,is rich in water resource. 武汉拥有189个湖,水资源丰富。
- Water is the natural source. Water Resource repr... 水,是自然之源。水源,代表了生命、纯净和活力。希望水...
- We should full the water resource. 我们应当充分利用水资源。
- Hey! Today's paper said that water resource will be a big problem in large city like Shanghai. Is that so? 嗨!今天的报纸说水资源将成为上海这种大城市的一个大问题,这是真的吗?
- The 40 foot container with the reverse osmosis module can provide emergency water for up to 3,000 people per day. 40英尺的集装箱装有反渗透模块,能每日为多达3,000人进行紧急给水。
- Do you know the actuality of water resource of China? 你知道中国的水资源状况吗?
- CAUTION - Do not install a strainer ahead of the backflow preventer on seldom-used, emergency water lines (i.e. fire sprinkler lines). 正常的排放和有害喷溅可以采用美国瓦茨气隙连接件和预制间接排污管道来处理。
- Emergency water diversion projects such as the diversion of water from the Yellow River to Tianjin were implemented, and water supply in cities was basically guaranteed. 实施“引黄济津”等应急调水工程,基本保证了城市供水。
- The shortage of water resource has been a worldwide problem. 淡水资源短缺是全球性问题。
- Caution: Do not install a strainer ahead of the backflow preventer on seldom-used, emergency water lines (i.e. fire sprinkler lines). 警告:在平时很少用,只在紧急状态下使用的管线(即消防喷淋管线)上的防回流阀前不要安装过滤器。
- Several workers were using emergency water drainage, traffic police have been on both sides of the bridge in the middle of a set curfew logo. 几名工人正在紧急用水泵排水,交警已经在桥两边中间位置设置了禁止通行标识。
- This country is rich in water resources. 这个国家水资源丰富。
- The shortage of water resource exaggerates the pollution of water body. 水资源短缺与水体污染并存。
- Emergency water diversion projects such as the diversion of water from the Yellow River to Tianjin were implemented,and water supply in cities was basically guaranteed. 实施“引黄济津”等应急调水工程,基本保证了城市供水。