- Elements of Chinese New Poems “新诗”因素
- The poems of Yu Jian clearly show a mode of thinking of Chinese new poems. 于坚诗歌昭示着中国诗歌一种全新诗学思维方式的出现。
- In teaching on modern poem, teachers must possess the experience of knowledge of Western poem to help students to interpret articles or combe traditional culture resources of Chinese new poem. 摘要在现代诗的教学中,无论帮助学生准确理解作品,还是梳理中国新诗传统的文化资源,教师的西诗经验都是不可或缺的知识储备。
- The poems of BingXin,ShuTing and other poets have increased plenty of precious wealth for the Chinese new poems. 冰心、舒婷等人的诗歌为中国新诗的历史增添了一笔宝贵的财富。
- The new folk-song movements, which represent the radicalization of construction of Chinese modernity, has the symbolic significance in the new poem development. 摘要新民歌运动表征着中国现代性建构实践的激进化,在新诗发展史上具有标志性意义。
- Couplets posting is a part of Chinese New Year celebration. 把对联贴在门的边上会在一年中给住户带来好运。
- Discussion on Trace Elements of Chinese Medicine Radix Platycodi etc. 桔梗等中药微量元素初探。
- The elements of Chinese classical folk dances were wisely employed to create a new ballet, and each development in the story was unfolded by a perfect combination of realism and romanticism. 它巧妙地运用了中国古典、民间舞的素材,创造了新的芭蕾形式。每一个场景以写实与浪漫相结合的方法将剧情予以芭蕾化的展现。
- The celebration of Chinese New Year used to include a display of fireworks. 过去中国新年庆典包括放焰火。
- Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. 毋庸置疑,它对庆祝中国新年起很主要的作用。
- There's an element of truth in his story. 他说的有些道理。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- In the song, "City of Pleasure", I tried to incorporate many elements of Chinese music and Chinese culture, without being too obnoxiously literal. 在“欢喜城”这首歌里,我也尝试以不会过度令人讨厌的直 译方式来结合许多中国音乐及文化。
- The central supporting element of a whole. 基础、主旨整体的一个中心基本原则
- Today was a January for15 Lantern Festivals, again hereafter, hot noisy make of Chinese New Year true of pass by. 今天就是正月十五元宵节了,再往后,热热闹闹的春节就真的过去了。
- Information and free services for the settlement of Chinese new immigrants and students in Toronto of Canada. 提供加拿大多伦多华人新移民和留学生安顿资讯和义务咨询服务。
- This poem contains most elements of Plath's repertoire. 。这首诗可以说包含了普拉斯诗歌意象库中的大部分常用意象。
- Last Sunday was the first day of Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) which is the most important festival for us. 上周日是我们最重要的节日中国年(春节)的第一天。
- The movable control element of such a device. 栓塞这种装置的可移动的控制部分
- On the eve of Chinese New Year, Kejia people of north Fujian are getting ready for worshiping ancestors. 福建连城闽西客家人在准备除夕敬祖。