- Its N-heptane solution is then analysed by gas-liquid chromatography with electron capture detector (ECD). The column is packed with 3% OV-17 coated on Chromosorb W AW DMCS. 取此衍生物的正庚烷溶液在充填以涂渍了3%25OV-17的Chromosorb W A W DMCS的色谱柱上进行气液色谱分析。
- Four representative chlorophenols(CPs) and their conjugates in fish tissues were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detector(GC ECD). 用气相色谱-电子捕获检测器法测定鱼组织中4种有代表性的氯酚(CPs)及其共轭物。
- A capillary gas chromatographic method with an electron capture dector (ECD) for the detection of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in seawater was developed. 摘要建立了毛细管柱气相色谱法测定海水中的多氯联苯的方法。
- Then it was extracted with the petroleum ether and through the column of Florisil acidic siliceous earth in series, and determinated by wide bore capillary (OV 101 30m 0.53 mm) gas chromatography with electron capture detector. 样品农药残留经丙酮提取 ,凝结液除杂 ,石油醚萃取 ,弗罗里硅土柱净化 ,OV 1 0 1大口径毛细管柱分离 ,电子捕获检测器 (ECD)检测。
- Liquid-phase microextraction(LPME) followed by gas chromatography(GC) coupled with an electron capture detector(ECD) was applied for the analysis of pentachlorophenol(PCP) in aqueous samples. 建立一种液-液微萃取(LPME)与气相色谱(带ECD检测器)联用检测废水中痕量五氯苯酚(PCP)的方法。
- The application of chromatography with electron capture to the monitoring volatile halohydrocarbon in water bring in high sensitivity,good effect of sepration and satisfactory recollecting ratio. 应用电子捕获色谱法监测水中挥发性卤代烃,其灵敏度高,分离效果好,回收率也令人满意。
- The method of determination of chlorobenzenes and deltamethrin in water extracted with hexane by gas chromatography with electron capture detector(GC/ECD) in a same capillary column was built up. 用正己烷萃取水中的氯苯类化合物和溴氰菊酯,采用气相色谱/电子捕获(GC/ECD)同一色谱柱进行分析测定。
- Abstract The paper suggest to search for heavy neutrinos by measuring the internalbremsstrahlung spectrum accompanying orbital electron capture and report a f?stexperimental search using this method. 摘要 建议用测量伴随轨道电子俘获的内轫致辐射的方法寻找重中微子,并首次用此方法进行了实验探索。
- A gas chromatography(GC) with electronic capture detection(ECD) for determination of chloramphenicol(CAP) residues in shrimps samples has been validated. 建立了用配有电子俘获检测器(ECD)的气相色谱仪来测定虾仁中的氯霉素含量的方法。
- Electron Capture in Strong Electron Screening 强电荷屏蔽下的电子俘获率
- isothermal electron capture chromatography 等温电子俘获色谱(法)
- David is famous for his billiards technic. 大卫因他的台球技术而出名。
- electron capture gas chromatography [化] 电子俘获气相色谱法
- electron capture gas liquid chromatography 电子俘获-气液色谱法
- electron capture gas-liquid chromatography 电子捕获气液相色谱法
- The invention improves stability and reliability of the product through preventing or releasing electron capturing phenomenon. 本发明通过防止或者减轻电子俘获现象,可以提高产品稳定性和可靠性。
- cross section of single electron capture 单电子俘获截面
- nonradioactive electron capture detector 非放射性电子俘获检测器
- He feigned death to escape capture. 他装死以逃避被俘。
- He went underground to avoid capture. 他转入秘密工作以免被捕。