- He fused all the lights by using his electric stove. 他因用电炉,烧断了保险丝,电灯全都熄灭。
- Electric stove enterprise 电炉厂
- He fused all the light by using his electric stove. 他因用电炉,烧断了保险丝,电灯全都熄灭。
- It has a new refrigerator, and an electric stove. 有一个新冰箱,一个电炉了,
- What is the power of this electric stove? 这个电炉的功率是多少?
- It's expensive to leave the electric stove on all day. 整天开着电炉太浪费钱了。
- It has a refrigerator, a freezer, an electric stove and a dishwasher. 这里有电冰箱、冷冻机、电炉和洗碗机。
- When the electric stove is turned on, the burners give off a red glow. 电炉一点燃,炉心就发出炽热的红光。
- There's no gas range in the kitchen,but you can use the electric stove. 厨房里没有煤气灶,但你可以用电炉。
- There is no gas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove. 厨房里没有煤气灶,但你可以用电炉。
- When the electric stove is turned on,the burners give off a red glow. 电炉一点燃,炉心就发出炽热的红光。
- There's no gas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove. 厨房里没有煤气灶,但你可以用电炉。
- When the electric stove is turned on, the burners giveoffa red glow. 电炉一点燃,炉心就发出炽热的红光。
- There's no gas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove. 我们有一些厨房用具和一套餐厅设备。
- If you don't have charcoal when making yakitori at home, place the grill on a gas or electric stove. 在家庭中烤焙鸡肉串时,如果没有木炭,也可以使用煤气炉或是电炉。
- A new disc clicker is designed to repair the crutch of the vaccum electric stove used for synthetic diamond catalysts. 为解决生产触媒用的真空电炉拐臂的修复而设计了花盘夹具,解决了修复电炉拐臂的问题,还可用来加工其它形状复杂的类似零件。
- Now, first, this is a gas stove, okay? You can do it on an electric stove, makes no difference. 现在,首先,这是一个天然气炉子,好吗?你可以同样清洁电炉,没有任何区别。
- Converter speed control installation can be applied in electric stove dust remover and water feed pump. 介绍变频调速的节能原理,以及在电炉除尘器、电炉给水泵上的应用和运行效果。
- Your response helped me a lot. You mean that it may be an electric stove which would be used in Canada, not an electromagnetic stove, right? 我看到一种炒锅挺好,但售货员说它不适宜用在电磁炉,因其底为铁制的,想必用在电炉应没问题吧?
- Dry ramming material selects synthetic raw material and additive.It is noted for high density,easy for sintering and building,which is idel materials for HP,UHP electric stove. 干式捣打料是选用合成原料及添加剂制成的,具有抗钢水渗透性强、易烧结、堆积密度高和施工方便等特点,是HP、UHP电炉炉底使用的理想材料。