- Eleazar Ben Judah of Worms 以利亚撒·本·犹大(约1160-1238),德国人,犹太教拉比、神秘主义者、塔木德学者、编纂家。
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫。
- All species of worms in a habitat are considered. 所有蚯蚓在栖息地达到相当数量。
- While fishing, he usually opens a can of worms. 他钓鱼时,通常都要打开一罐蠕虫。
- I never use a single worm on the hook, prefer a cocktail of worm and maggot. 我从不单用一只虫作钓饵,而喜欢用虫和蛆的混合物。
- My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business again. 当我父亲接管一家处境困难的公司并试图重振业务时,他确实碰到了棘手的问题。
- Tom can't sit still for a minute-he is a can of worms. 汤姆一分钟都坐不住,他是一个心神不定的人。
- Don't open a can of worms by discussing this touchy issue. 不要谈论这个敏感问题而增加麻烦。
- Dealing with this kind of problem is a bag of worms. 解决这样的问题可真是个大难题。
- I like it, but somehow they seem tangled up, like a lot of worms. 地方我是喜欢的,可是他们未免太混杂了,象是一大堆的虫似的。”
- What he left behind after his resignation was just a can of worm. 他辞职后留下来的只是一大堆头痛的问题。
- Earthworms have no backbone, they are a kind of worm. 蚯蚓没有脊椎,是一种蠕形动物。
- That should be a bag of worms because we haven't decided yet. 它是一个大问题,因为我们还没有做过。
- I never use a single worm on the hook, preferring a cocktail of worm and maggot. 我从不单用一只虫作钓饵,而喜欢用虫和蛆的混合物。
- When you brought that up, you opened a whole can of worms. 当你提到那件事,你就捅了马蜂窝了。
- The animal dyestuffs are (purple glue) of worm, carmine worm,etc. 动物染料有虫(紫)胶、胭脂红虫等;
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- I have a terror of worms. 我害怕爬虫。
- How can we shame Ben out of beating his little sister? 我们怎样才能使本觉得可耻而不再打妹妹了呢?
- I never use a single worm on the hook,prefer a cocktail of worm and maggot. 我从不单用一只虫作钓饵,而喜欢用虫和蛆的混合物。