- Eimeria bucephalae 布[塞弗勒]氏艾美球虫
- Apodemus chevrieri Eimeria new species China. 高原姬鼠 艾美球虫 新种 中国.
- Keywords :Apodemus chevrieri, Eimeria, new species, China. 关键词: 高原姬鼠;艾美球虫;新种;中国.
- Every Eimeria species have a special site to incubation in poultry. 但由于球虫抗药性和药物残留等问题日益严重,使得新药开发和应用受到限制。
- A small North American diving duck(Bucephala albeola) having black and white plumage and a densely feathered, rounded head. 巨头鹊鸭一种体型小的北美潜水鸭(巨头鹊鸭),有黑白色的羽毛和稠密的毛,圆脑袋
- Either of two diving ducks(Bucephala clangula or B. islandica) of northern regions, having a short black bill, a rounded head, and yellow eyes. 鹊鸭一种潜鸭(鹊鸭或冰洲鹊鸭),生活于北方,黑短喙,圆头,黄眼
- The Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) is a small American sea duck of the genus Bucephala. 巨头鹊鸭是美国海上一种鹊鸭属的鸭子。
- The effects of Eimeria tenella infection on the population of some facultative anaerobic flora were studied. 兼性厌氧菌是鸡盲肠中共生微生物菌群的重要组成部分。
- Drug resistance remains commonplace among the Eimeria, and alternatives to chemotherapeutic control are being sought. 长期以来主要以化学药物进行防治。
- Reproductivity and Pathogenicity of Precocious Shanxi Line of Eimeria tenella[J]. 引用该论文 古少鹏;韩克光;韩春来;曹宏卿;郑明学.
- The compound Diclazuri has a good effect in prevention and cure of Eimeria,it is c... 结合药物治疗对比试验,确定复方地克珠利对艾美耳球虫的防治有良好的效果,且其价格便宜、用药方便。
- The review highlights the relationship of NO with schistosome,plasmodia,toxoplasm,Eimeria and the mechanism of its effects may be involved. 本文综述了NO在吸虫、疟原虫、弓形虫、艾美耳球虫等寄生虫感染过程中的生成、作用以及可能的机制。
- The Eimeria species, causative agents of the disease coccidiosis, are genetically complex protozoan parasites endemic in poultry. 摘要鸡球虫病是严重危害养禽业的一种寄生虫病。
- Coccidiosis in chickens,which shows a series of intestinal symptoms caused by Coccidiosis Eimeria,is a serious protozoan disease in the world. 鸡球虫病是一种由艾美耳属球虫引起的鸡肠道疾病,也是危害极为严重的全球性寄生虫病。
- Coccidiosis is a major parasitic disease in poultry and caused by several species of Eimeria that infect the gut of chickens. 鸡球虫病是由艾美耳球虫感染鸡引起的一种危害极其严重的寄生原虫病。
- Bucephalus was killed in battle in 326 BC at the great age of 30. Such was Alexander's grief that he had a city founded around Bucephalus' tomb, which was called Alexandria Bucephala. 公元前三二六年,高龄三十岁的比塞弗勒斯殒命沙场。亚历山大异常悲恸,在比塞弗勒斯墓四周建立了一个城市,叫做亚历山大比塞弗勒斯。
- An indirect ELISA using a protein extract from oocysts of Eimeria aythyae as antigen was detected antibodies in sera of the three species ducks (Domestic. Muscovy and Mule duck). 将潜鸭艾美耳球虫孢子化卵爱清洁、纯化,捣碎滤过制成可溶性抗原,用于ELISA检测番鸭、北京鸭和二者杂交种骡鸭试验性感染潜鸭艾美耳球虫后血清中抗体的变化。
- The objective of the present study were to evaluate the safety of a multivalent Eimeria vaccine and to establish molecular tools for the identification of Eimeria to species. 本研究的目的是对由Saidu Kanu等研制的一种对离子载体类抗球虫药有耐药性的艾美尔球虫多价苗免疫肉鸡实验室安全性做出评价,并利用特异PCR对3种艾美尔球虫(Eimeria tellena,E.;maxima和E
- The established specific PCR assay should provide a practical and rapid method for the identification and differentiation of Eimeria species in mixed infections. 用本项研究所建立的特异PCR方法对这些混合感染的球虫种类进行鉴定具有一定的实用价值。
- Selection of immunoprotective antigens of the Eimeria species as vaccine candidates based upon recognition by the host immune system has been unsuccessful. 且不同发育阶段的球虫其免疫原性和抗原构成也有很大差异。