- Whereas the previous stages tend to focus on effective integration of technology, here the attention shifts to more effective uses of aspects. 上一阶段侧重于有效的技术集成,而这一阶段将重点转移到更有效的方面使用。
- The legislation creating the Department of Energy, Schlesinger believed, was broad enough to allow him to achieve the desired effective integration. 施莱辛格认为,创立能源部的立法赋予了他足够的权力,能够完成这次有效的整合。
- The EPM Solution's extensible, enterprise-scale architecture helps enable effective integration with other line-of-business (LOB) solutions and Office system applications. EPM Solution的可扩展企业级体系结构可实现与其他行业(LOB)解决方案以及Office system应用程序的有效集成。
- Effective integration of CLT and Chinese culture is expected to be found by Chinese linguists and English teachers to promote the development of CLT in China. 笔者也借此呼吁中国的语言学家及教师们能找到一条将交际教学法的主要原则与中国文化有效事例的道路,以促进其在中国的发展。
- The 4th to 7th part of Dart Three has elucidated the effective integration of IT & all the teaching elements, such as the ideas of teaching, the teaching objectives, the models, and the resources, etc. 第四节到第七节,具体论述了信息技术与教学观念、教学目标、教学模式、教学资源等教学诸环节的有效整合。
- The OMG stipulated for the CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) specification to enhance the interoperation amoung systems, and achieve effective integration of information systems within Enterprise. 为了解决由于分布和异构带来的“孤岛”问题,OMG组织提出了公共对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA),以增强软件系统间的互操作能力,实现企业内各信息系统的有效集成。
- Yahoo China's service though a unified platform for Yahoo in China, but the service remains between each other's independence, the need for a different entrance, there is no effective integration. 目前中国雅虎各服务虽然统一在中国雅虎平台上,但各服务之间依然是互相独立的,需要不同的入口,并没有进行有效的整合。
- The logistics enterprises can play an important role of integrated service providers in supply chain for customers with the effective integration of their logistics functions. 通过物流功能全过程的有机整合,物流企业正在逐步形成为客户提供一体化综合服务的供应链载体。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Information technology,whose dramatic development has led to the prosperity of electronic commerce,is the base of a effective integrated supply chain. 本文认为,高效的集成化供应链是建立在信息技术有力支持的基础上的,不同阶段信息技术基础上的供应链具有不同的集成模式和效率。
- Effective integrated and activities approach adopted in early childhood education and in primary schools such as in Australia are good practices that should be encouraged. 以澳洲为例,在幼儿教育与及小学教育中引进冲突处理的训练活动,能有效增强儿童的冲突处理能力。
- This paper deals with present situation and formation of ecological environment deterioration in Aibi Lakeland and effective integrated measures suggested for desertific... 通过有关资料对艾比湖及其毗邻地区环境恶化的现象进行剖析,提出保护、恢复的相关对策。
- The paper introduced an effective integrated pwm system,which adopts powerful GTR integrated mold block as major return-circuit switch,and SG3524 as PWM generator. 介绍了一种以GTR作主功率开关器件,采用SG3524开关稳压电源作为PWM信号发生器的直流调速系统。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- As an employer, your first priority is the new employee is effectively integrated into your own business. 作为一个雇主,你的首要任务是把新员工有效地整合到自己的公司里去。
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- Much of the effort in this stage involves working out how to effectively integrate aspects into your environment and your organization. 本阶段的大多数工作需要设计如何有效地将方面集成到您的环境和组织中。
- In order to make every tool in data warehouse cooperate seamlessly, it must be effectively integrated in metadata layer. 为了使数据仓库中各个软件能够无缝地合作,必须在元数据层进行有效的集成。
- Effective, punitive, or destructive action. 有效的行为有效的、惩罚的或破坏性的行为