- Tomorrow is the effective date of regulations. 明天就是条例的生效日期。
- When is the effective date of my new licence? 我的新执照何时开始生效?
- Effective Date of Supply 有效补给日
- A: The effective date of the regulation is September 16, 2005. 该法规生效日期是2005年九月16日。
- The Erection shall be conducted and completed within ______ month from the Effective Date of the Contract. 安装应在本合同生效日起___________ 月内实施和完成。
- The effective date of this Agreement is when You accept this Agreement in accordance with the procedure set out above. 在您根据以上步骤接受协议当日,本协议便即告生效。
- The effective date of this contract will begin from July sixth, nineteen eight-three. 这个合同的有效期将从一九八三年七月六日开始。
- A notification of change of business particulars should be given within 1 month of the effective date of change. 业务资料变更通知书必须于该项变更生效日起计1个月内提交。
- Latest date of delivery of full set design documents - 12 months from the Effective date of the Contract. 全部设计文件最晚交货期:合同生效之日起12个月
- Latest date of delivery of the Guidebook to Erection-18 months from the Effective date of the Contract. 安装指导文件最晚交货期:合同生效之日起18个月
- Note 2 The proposed effective date shall not be earlier than the date of establishment of the IMC. 注2建议的生效日期不得早于法团校董会成立的日期。
- The said Effective Date shall be construed as the date of the commencement of work hereunder. 上述生效日期即为本协议规定的开始工作之日。
- Effective Date of the Contract means the date when the contract is approved by competent authorities of the respective Party's countries. 合同生效日: 本合同经双方当事人各自国家的审批机关批准之日起正式生效。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- Enter the effective date of new marital status if you have amended your marital status and not informed IRD of this previously. 如果你已更改婚姻状况及之前并未曾通知税务局,请输入新婚姻状况的生效日期。
- We must try to maintain the equilibrium of supply and demand. 我们必须努力保持供求均衡。
- Assessment of transportable pressure equipment marked pior to the effective date of this directive, according to part II of Annex IV of the Directive. 运输压力装置的安全性评估在指令有效期前根据指令附件IV第II部分进行。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- The school and competent authority shall complete reorganization of committees according to the aforesaid regulations within one year from the effective date of this Act. 学校或主管机关相关组织未符合前项规定者,应自本法施行之日起一年内完成改组。