- Economic Trade Japanese 经贸日语
- Shanghai ever was bank of madder of peace and tranquility most western economic trade centre. 上海曾是太平洋西岸最发达的经济贸易中心。
- The HKTB is also supporting the celebratory activities organised by the Hong Kong Economic Trade Office HKETO in various overseas markets. 此外,旅发局亦会全力支持香港经济贸易办事处在各个海外市场举办的庆祝活动。
- Sichuan province YuWei Economic Trade Co.Ltd. has unique advantage, it’s the brave one surfing in the ocean of clothes. 四川省玉维经贸有限公司拥有个性的优势,是服装海洋里冲浪的勇者。
- Shenzhen will establish an economic trade zone in Vietnam, according to an agreement signed at the Wuzhou Guest House Monday. 根据本周一在五洲宾馆签订的协议,深圳将在越南设立一个经济贸易区。
- These factors not only destruct the US-China balance of economic trade seriously, but also obstruct the development of economic trade relationship. 这些因素不仅造成了中美贸易的严重失衡,而且阻碍了中美经贸关系的发展;
- The third part, it discussed problem and impediment complication about bilateral or unilateral of Manzhouli economic trade cooperating to Russia. 第四部分,在上述论述分析基础上,作者探讨和提出促进满洲里对俄经贸发展的建议和对策。
- The finance collaboration is intrinsicly necessary to develop economic trade and reunify pacificly between both sides of Taiwang strait. 摘要闽台两岸金融合作是两岸经贸发展与祖国和平统一的内在需求。
- The fourth party, as above has said, the writer discuss and pose suggest how to promote development of Manzhouli economic trade cooperating to Russia. 最后是本文的结语部分,概括出本篇学位论文的几点结论。
- Economy and trade japanese major 经贸日语专业
- General manager's Ancheng Pei is peaceful the invites domestic and international know its private proceed with my company the economic trade cooperates, common development. 总经理裴安成诚邀国内外有识之士与我公司进行经贸合作,共同发展.
- Peng Li said that in the past two years or more, economic trade and cooperation between the two countries has begun smoothly and has made considerable progress. 李鹏说,两年多来两国经贸合作已顺利起步,并取得可观的进展。
- Since now, we have encompassed operation dealerships of more than30 large and medium sized jobbing foundries and get import operations right issued by Committee of Economic Trade. 公司在宁波设有主要经营网点,市场范围覆盖全国各主要地区,是浙江宁波焦碳代理经营规模最大的企业。
- Thus the economic trade relationships were established along with the development of the Silk Road.Since the Song Dynasty, Khotan had been on friendly terms with China. 宋代以来,于阗始终保持着与中原的贸易往来,西夏控制河西后,于阗向宋朝的贸易路线发生巨大变化,于阗和宋朝的贸易受到一定影响。
- Secondly,the reasons that our country suffers from antidumping cases again and again was analyzed,which mainly includes the force of the international economic trade situ... 法律支持不力等等。探讨了我国应对反倾销的对策,即政府注重提高服务职能;行业协会承担起行业自律的重任;企业真正成为市场经济运行的主体。
- Abstract: Citifying is the inevitable outcome of the economic trade development.It is also the result of bettering industrial structure and upgrade on the region . 城市化是经贸发展的必然结果,又是产业结构优化、升级在地域空间上的必然显现。
- Firstly, endeavoring to provide all-round, accurate, instant and stable services for clients, and drive the sustainable development of the global economic trade. 致力于为客户提供全面、准确、迅速、稳定的服务,推动全球经济贸易活动的可持续发展;
- The crisis kicked from America, because American economic trade developed disparately, or the imbalance of economic trade at home and abroad made the crisis inevitable. 危机肇始于美国,之所以如此,是和美国国内外经济贸易不平衡分不开的,或者说,美国国内外经济贸易发展的不平衡使大危机不可避免。
- Wed. 21 th June Held the economical trade conference at Washington, and fly to Detroit at evening. 6月21日(周三)在华盛顿召开经贸交流会,晚乘机赴底特律;