- Economic Services Bureau 经济局
- A final report will be issued to the Financial Services Bureau in June 2000. 最后报告将于二零零零年六月送交财经事务局。
- The Financial Services Bureau pays particular attention to this aspect and is now studying a report and considering the development of a financial information infrastructure. 在金融方面,我们有很好的例子。财经事务局在这方面的工作,是十分重视的。
- A service bureau can transform your electronic slides into 35mm slides. 服务机构能将电子幻灯片转换成35毫米大的真正幻灯片。
- The Secretary for Economic Services moved an amendment to clause 3 and addressed the Committee. 经济司就第3条动议修正案,并向本委员会发言。
- The role of the Government in respect of economic services is well defined. Our main task is to provide the necessary hard and soft infrastructure. 政府在经济事务上的角色十分明确,主要是提供软件和硬件基础设施。
- Service bureau: An organization that provides data processing and time-sharing services to its customers. 服务中化:为顾客提供数据处理及分时服务的机械。
- From there the authors discuss how relationship banking fits into the core economic services provided by banks and point at its costs and benefits. 银行与企业往来关系是否存在,银行与企业往来关系的收益和成本如何衡量,银行往来关系的价值如何反映,都是值得深入探讨的问题。
- A full-scale rehearsal of the Year 2000 emergency response mechanism was conducted in mid-November, involving the Financial Secretary's Office, the Financial Services Bureau (FSB), the financial regulators, the exchanges and clearing houses. 一九九九年十一月中,财政司司长办公室、财经事务局、金融监管机构、交易所和结算所等机构进行了一次大型的联合演习,以测试有关过渡公元二千年的紧急应变机制。
- Human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by many rivers and freshwater lakes and wetlands . 人类活动减少了由河、淡水湖和淡水沼泽地所提供的生态和经济服务。
- In many areas, human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by the earth's deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains. 在许多区域中,人类活动减少了由地球的沙漠、草原、森林和山所提供的生态和经济服务。
- The Federation's representatives and other experienced members of the insurance industry provided the Financial Services Bureau and the MPF Office with very solid support and sound advice in developing a workable,cost-effective and secure MPF System. 贵会代表和其他资深业内人士给予财经事务局和强积金办事处积极有力的支持,并且提供具体切实的意见,协助制定出一个稳健可行而又具成本效益的强积金制度。
- A full-scale rehearsal of the Year 2000 emergency response mechanism was conducted in mid-November,involving the Financial Secretary's Office,the Financial Services Bureau (FSB),the financial regulators,the exchanges and clearing houses. 一九九九年十一月中,财政司司长办公室、财经事务局、金融监管机构、交易所和结算所等机构进行了一次大型的联合演习,以测试有关过渡公元二千年的紧急应变机制。
- The Federation's representatives and other experienced members of the insurance industry provided the Financial Services Bureau and the MPF Office with very solid support and sound advice in developing a workable, cost-effective and secure MPF System. 贵会代表和其他资深业内人士给予财经事务局和强积金办事处积极有力的支持,并且提供具体切实的意见,协助制定出一个稳健可行而又具成本效益的强积金制度。
- He oversees the operations of the Finance, Financial Services, Trade and Industry, Economic Services, and Works Bureaux of the Government Secretariat, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. 他的职责是制定政府的财政、金融和经济政策,并统率政府总部库务局、财经事务局、工商局、经济局和工务局,以及香港金融管理局的工作。
- However, there is no decentralisation of pay administration, which is centrally managed by the Civil Service Bureau. 不过,由公务员事务局中央处理的薪酬管理工作,仍没有下放。
- What role should the central agencies such as Civil Service Bureau and Finance Bureau play in future pay determination? 公务员事务局及库务局等中央机构在未来的薪酬厘定工作上应担当甚么角色?
- Good progress has been made by a Working Group formed by the Financial Services Bureau and we expect specific measures, covering both short-term and long-term solutions, to be announced soon. 财经事务局组成的工作小组进展良好。我们预期工作小组于短期内公布具体措施,作为短期及长期的解决方案。
- It aims to develop an effective,efficient and economic service which meets the needs of the public. 其工作目标是发展有效、迅速及经济的服务,以满足市民的需要。