- Then, does the cash flow have information content?When the corporations have already publicized the earnings information, is the publication of cash flows information necessary, or just otiose? 如果企业已经向市场提供了盈余信息,现金流量作为另一种会计信息进行披露,是否具有增量信息含量,或者只是多余的呢?
- Earnings Information Content 盈余信息含量
- Information content natural unit. 信息量的自然单位。
- In communications, the information content of a message. 在通信技术中,报文的信息内容。
- Although matter cannot leave the hole, its information content can. 虽然物质无法离开黑洞,但其资讯却可以。
- The earnings announcements are chosen as the events for testing whether China stock market overreacts to the earnings information. 摘要本文选取盈利信息作为反应事件,检验我国股票市场对盈利信息是否存在过度反应现象。
- Please write your information content exactly as concretly as possible, thanks! 请您尽量具体地写明您的信息内容,谢谢!
- The chromatographic fingerprint was quantified by the information content. 引入信息量理论量化指纹图谱。
- On the Information Content of Earnings Per Share 试论每股收益的信息含量
- Thus the information content in the sequence of nucleic acids would gradually evolve and increase in complexity. 核酸系列中的信息含量就这样逐渐进化并越来越复杂。
- The information content is then proportional to the bandwidth of the imposed variation. 此时信息容量正比于所载入的变化的带宽。
- Network and information security systems generally include network security and information content security. 网络信息安全一般包括网络系统安全和信息内容安全。
- Through empirical study, it explored the information content of EPS which excluding the extraordinary gains or losses. 第三章通过实证研究探讨扣除非经常性损益后的每股收益指标的信息含量。
- It covers production of all information content and other copy written for your Web site or adapted from other sources. 创作内容包括所有信息、创作或者改编的其它网站文字说明。
- Disclosure of Earnings Information Strategy 盈利信息披露战略
- By calculating information content of several units, Dabu unit is decided as incipient lay pro-duction of nmgma of Qingxi ovenunit. 通过对几个单元的信息量计算,确定大埠单元为清溪超单元岩浆早期就位产物。
- The average polymorphic information content valued 0.1974 and 0.2102, respectively. 平均多态信息含量分别为0.;1974、0
- Henceforth, can need according to the society, the information content that step up inquires. 今后,会根据社会需要,逐步增加查询的信息内容。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- We these information content to claim, we still undertake can preferentially indication to it. 我们对于认领的这些信息内容,我们还会优先地对它进行显示。