- Early hybrid combination 早杂组合
- The behaving rule of genetic value was analyzed, the diallel cross from 10 genera in Paulownia taken as materials, by genetic value assessing the hybrid combination and parents. 根据泡桐属内10个种的双列杂交材料,用遗传值评定亲本和杂交组合,分析遗传值的表现规律得知,亲本对树高、胸径、枝下高和冠幅有较大影响。
- Abstract: Teyou 136 is a new strong thermosensitive type hybrid combination with medium maturity, which was bred through a crossbreeding between Longtefu A as female parent and R136 as male parent. 文章摘要: 特优136是以龙特甫A为母本.R136为父本配组育成的强优势感温型中熟组合.具有株型集散适中、穗粒结构协调性好、熟期适宜、米质优、抗逆性强等优点。
- A method that combines irradiation and cross breeding has been put forword to use early-maturing rice restorer to get hybrid combination with right maturing date. 我们还提出用辐射与杂交相结合的方法,解决早熟恢复系杂交稻熟期配套问题的具体方案。
- Many thousands of hybrid combinations must be tested for each new hybrid variety released to the public. 在每个新的杂交种向群众推广以前,要对成千的杂交组合做试验。
- Compared with conventional varieties, hybrid combinations possessed lower NUEp, higher NUEg and NHI. 3杂交籼稻的 NUEp在抽穗期高于常规籼稻 ,成熟期则低于常规籼稻 ;
- Qiyou 1025, an indica type early hybrid rice combination with mid-late mature and good grain quality 优质中迟熟杂交早籼组合绮优1025
- Preparation of hybrid combination of thin-meat pig 瘦肉型猪杂交组合的筛选研究
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Motors for Hybrid Combination Electric Vehicle 混合动力源电动汽车和电动汽车的电动机
- Test of new late rice hybrid combination 晚季水稻新组合试验初报
- The authors have analysed the changes of peroxidase isozyme of 18 parents in 13 hybrid combinations in the sprouting stage of tomato by m-eans of the zymogramic technique. 作者用酶谱技术分析了番茄13个组合的18个亲本芽期过氧化物酶同工酶变化情况。 按生长顺序分三次取样。
- With the material of 6 CMS lines, 7 restorer lines and 42 hybrid combinations, the GCA and VAR of SCA of yield traits, quality traits and bearing date were analyzed. 以6个不育系作母本和7个恢复系作父本交叉配组的42个组合为材料,系统观测了产量性状、品质性状和生育期,分析了亲本的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差。
- Hybrid combination of video server systems 混合型视频服务器系统
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- I finished work unexpectedly early. 我的工作意外地提早做完。
- intersectional hybrid combination 派间杂交组合
- We will get up early and do some housework. 我们将早起并且做点家务。
- Forgive me so early to call up you please. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。