- Keywords Earey time of Early Permian Epoch;tropic;epicontinental sea;storm;allochthonous coal; 早二叠世早期;热带;陆表海;暴作用;异地煤;荥巩煤田;
- Early Permian epoch 早二叠世
- The basin was fromed during Late Permian Epoch, its period of full bloom of expanding and depression being Early and Middle Jurassic System when incoalation envorinment was most favorable. 吐鲁番-哈密盆地形成于晚二叠世,早、中侏罗世是盆地扩张坳陷全盛时期,此期盆地成煤条件最好。
- Cihai iron ore deposit is a subvolcanic-ore pulp intrusive-hydrothermal scouring replacement deposit, which is occurred in the rift of the southern margin of the Eastern Tianshan Mountains in the Lower Permian epoch. 摘要磁海铁矿床产于早二叠世东天山南缘裂陷槽大地构造环境中,为次火山-矿浆侵入-热液充填交代矿床。
- Late Carboniferous and Early Permian flora is composed of 104 species in 37 genera in Zibo area . 山东淄博地区晚石炭世和早二叠世植物群由37属104种组成。
- In the period of Carboniferous and Early Permian, vocanic activity was strong with high geotemperature. 中三叠世时托克逊地区与科牙依地区为同一湖盆,科牙依地区为生烃中心,发育优质烃源岩;
- The Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks (from Early Devonian to Early Permian) were widely distributed in the south margin of the Altai Mountains. 阿尔泰山南缘晚古生代火山岩十分发育,从早泥盆世到早二叠世均有发育。
- In the Dajiuba region, the Late Palaeozoic stable covers, ophiolite complex and the Early Permian foreland molasse basin sediment are exposed. 晚三叠世陆相火山岩出露于祁漫塔格山南缘。
- They are Liangshan stage of Early Permian series,Longtan stage of late Permian series and Xiangxi stage of Early Jurassic-Late Triassic series. 梁山煤系和龙潭煤系煤岩变质程度较高 ,生气量大 ,赋存大量以吸附态为主的煤层气。
- They are Liangshan stage of Early Permian series, Longtan stage of late Permian series and Xiangxi stage of Early Jurassic-Late Triassic series. 湖北省主要发育有三套煤系,即下二叠统梁山煤系、上二叠统龙潭煤系、上三叠-下侏罗统香溪煤系。
- Ore beds are located in two horizons of middle Carboniferous shallow and littoral facies strata and early Permian continental lacustrine and swamp facies strata. 它在本区有两个层位,一个是中石炭世的浅海和滨海相地层,另一个是早二叠世的陆相湖沼沼沉积地层。
- The Early Permian sedimentary configuration in Bogda mountain and its adjacent basins are characterized by normal grading from coarse to fine,being a typical extensional molasse. 博格达山及相邻盆地中的下二叠统的沉积建造总体上具有由粗到细的正粒序特征,为典型的伸展磨拉石建造;
- The tectonic setting of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault is located at the root zone of the collision between north and south China blocks which took place in the Early Permian time. 郯庐断裂带所在的构造位置应是晚二叠世华北与扬子地块碰撞时的根带。
- Two regimes of overthrust systems were formed during the Hercynian movement in the end of Early Permian and the Himalayan movement in the end of Oligocene respectively. 在盆地的演化历史中,早二叠世末的晚海西运动和渐新世末的喜马拉雅运动形成了两个世代的逆冲-逆掩断裂系统。这两期构造也是油气的主要成藏期。
- Kedao Group in Yanbian area is a set of terrigenous clastic rocks which has been recognized as marine volcanic deposits in Early Permian for a long time. 摘要吉林延边地区柯岛群为一套陆源碎屑岩建造,但在较长时间内被误认为是早二叠世海相火山岩系;
- As one of the typical cool water brachiopod, Anidanthus had a main time range between Sakmarian of the early Permian and Wordian of the middle Permian. Several pioneers appeared in Bashkirian of the late Carboniferous. Anidanthus是凉水型腕足动物的代表之一 ,主要出现在早二叠世Sakmarian期至中二叠世Wordian期 ,先驱分子在晚石炭世的巴什基尔期已出现 ,部分种延至晚二叠世。
- In centraI and southern Arabia the first sediments overlying crystalline basement were the Late Precambrian to Earlp Cambrian carbonates,clastic and evaporites,which followed by the latest Early Cambrian through Early Permian sandstones and shales. 阿拉伯半岛中部和南部结晶基底之上最早的稳定沉积是前寒武纪晚期至早寒武世的断陷盆地沉积,以碳酸岩、碎屑岩和蒸发岩为特征。 寒武系至下二叠统地层由陆源碎屑岩及少量碳酸岩组成。
- In early Permian period,the epicontinental sea of North China Platform receded conti-nously to the south,thus the-coal accumulations of continental delta facies are generated inthe southeast of North China Platform. 二叠纪早期,华北地台的陆表海不断向南退缩,从而在华北地台东南部开始了陆相三角洲的聚煤作用。
- The genesis of deposits is analyzd that "deposits were formed in peneplain lake condition in semi-humid continental climate during late period of early Permian and early period of late Permian". 简要的分析了矿床的成因,认为该矿床沈积形成于早二叠世晚期到晚二处世早期半潮湿大陆气候的准平原化湖泊环境。
- On the basis of the study on the flora characteristic of the late Late Carboniferous and early Early Permian in the Helan Mountains, the palaeoecology study on this flora has been analyzed. 在综合研究了贺兰山北段晚石炭世晚期和早二叠世早期植物群的特征和性质的基础上,对此植物群进行了古生态学方面的分析研究。